i dont have title

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Hey been gon for a while. Kinda forgot I had this book 💀. I've been back in school. So yeahh haven't been posting recently 😀. But just take this small story I really didn't feel like writing but I wanted to get something out for you all.

Deaf reader 🫂
'Sign language'

Bokuto loved hugs. Since he was the youngest siblings he used to be squished with hugs by his 2 older sisters.

Whenever he was upset you'd see him in tight spaces. Example you saw him curled up underneath the desk.

Today was one of those days. Nekoma and Fukurodani had a practice match together. And Bokuto lost. Oh how upset he was. Akaashi tried helping him which usually worked. He was surprised that Bokutos mood didn't go back up like usual

Some of Bokutos teammates tried to help but eventually gave up cause he'd be back to normal in a few hours.


M/n pov:

I walked to the Fukurodani gym. Yeah no I didn't go to Kou's school. I went to some random private school.

But me n Kou lived at the end of the block so we usually played together as we grew up. Ever since we were kids Kou's mom though it would be a good idea to teach Koutaro sign language so it would be easier to communicate with me.

Sometimes he would forget to use sounded language and just say random stuff to me. I would usually be able to read his lips when he forgets but sometimes he talks a little to fast.

I walk up to the gym opening the door. I guess the door made a loud sound cause once I opened it everyone stared at me.


No one's pov:

The gym flooded with silence. Everyone staring at the (E/c) eyed boy.

"Who's that?" Kai said putting some volleyballs in the cart. Others whispering to each other trying to firgure out who that is.

"Hey who are you" Lev said screaming across the gym.

No reply. You just simply blinked eyes searching for the owled haired boy.

You found him sitting in a corner. You walked quite fastly over to Kou tapping Akaashi.

"Uhm who are-" simply ignoring Akaashi almost getting to Koutaro.

Washio and Kuroo step infront of you started bashing u with questions.

You pushed them out of your way.

"Who is this random guy just walking in the gym?" Washio

Everyone just watches you walk towards Bokuto.

You crouch right next to him and hold his hand.

"M/n?!?" He screamed jumping right up. Mood suddenly changing. He was in quite shock seeing you but also happy. Give you a big hug. You obviously give him one back.

"Oh my gosh M/n how did you here?! Actually forget that hows it going!" Bokuto said fastly completely forgetting that you can't read his lips.

"Bokuto you know him?" Akaashi said. Other also saying the same

"What did you say? Your talking to fast." You signed you to Kou.

"Oh whoops. I said 'Oh my gosh M/n how did you here? Actually forget that hows it going?'"

You give him a thumbs up and pull out your phones showing him the date. Which had a reminder that you too are going on a date.

"Hey bokuto-san what was with the weird hand movements?" Lev said.

"Lev you dumby that's sign language. It's meant for people who can't hear or mute people." Yaku said crossing him arms.

"Do you know sign language Yaku-san?" Yamamoto said.

"Yeah I do. My little cousin is deaf so I had to learn it." He responded back.


You ended up meeting new people today. You obviously didn't know what the others were saying to you from before and you felt bad.

So you apologized. They said it wasn't your fault. They didn't know you were deaf so them trying to get an answer out if you wasn't going to be easy.

While Kou explained to everyone who you were. You were busy signing with Morisuke. You both shared funny stories with each other. You shared some about Koutaro and some stories you were told by him. Morisuke gave you silly stories from his team.

The 2 teams looked at the both of you having a laugh. Your laugh was quiet but loud enough for Morisuke to hear. "Oh my gosh- Wait M/n say something like anything" Such a strange request to ask a deaf person.

You didn't know how loud you were going to sound but you went to Morisuke ear and say "Poop" why poop? You don't know that's the first thing you thought about. (Can deaf people hear there thought btw? 🤔)

Morisuke mouth was shaped like an O. You were worried that you said it to loud but in reality it was really quiet. Morisuke complimented on how beautiful and soft your voice sounded which made you quite flustered.


Morisuke give you his number so you can text him and time.

Everyone left. Now it was just You, Koutaro, and Akaashi walking home.

Kou and Akaashi walk you to your house. You give Koutaro a kiss. Which surprised Akaashi. And what made the both of the boy surprised "Goodnight guys." You say in a soft tone.

You shut the door.

"You guys are dating?!"

"Didn't I mention that 🤔"



lol I'm so tired. I didn't even think about writing this story. Lowkey might quit this book lol.

Ima be more busy with school so might not be able to post a lot recently. So I might see yall in October 😀 maybe I'll post in my other book idk until next time.

Auntie Author 🫂💗

Auntie Author 🫂💗

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