i guess you learn something new everyday

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Hey... I'm back 😢 this will be short


Somethings that people don't know about Koutaro is that he loves to draw or paint.

He found it as his second hobby when he was around 8. Digital was always hard for him to draw do he stuck with traditional drawing.

Your pov:

Kou was in his art room. The room was covered in all types of paint colors on the wall. The floors covered in brand new newspapers. He has his headphones so he didn't know I came in.

I left him I'm his own world and shut the door. I went to the kitchen going to make snacks because after a while Kou starts to get a craving for a quick snack.

On my way to the kitchen I hear dthe door bell ring. "Coming!" I yelled jogging over to the front door. Being careful by going down ghe step. I check the little hole to see who it was.

I open the door "Huh who r u?" The orange hair male said. "Did we get the wrong house? I thought this was Bokutos?" A blonde hair male said. "Oh! Your Koutaros friends! Come in come in. Please take off your shoes."

No one's pov:

You lead the 3 boys to the main room. As you walk toward the main room you all introduced yourselves.

The house was clean which Sakusa was absolutely happy about.

"So uh not tryna be rude but where's Bokuto?" Atsumu said

"Oh right he's should be in his safe room."

"Safe room?" Hinata said his eyebrow going up.

"Yeah. He calls it his safe room. But lemme lead you to him come." You lead the 3 volleyball players to bokutos safe room. You opened the door. "Koutaroooo" you say from the door.

No answer

"Oh my gosh." You say opening the door fully. "Oh wow-" sakusa said. Bokuto turns around "Oh M/N LOOK-OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS ARE HERE TOO?" bokuto says wide smile and twinkles in his eyes.

"Uh yeah you told us to come here..." Sakusa said arms crossed "BOKUTO-SAN THIS ROOM IS SO COOL!" Hinata says with such excitement.

"Bokuto you made all these?" Atsumu said catching all the boys attention. "Yuppp i know I'm a pro you guys 😎" bokuto bragged.

"That's like really good. When did u even get into painting?" Sakusa said

"Koutaro doesn't just paint but he also draws. He was obsessed around the age of 8 I believe." You said

"Wow I guess you learn something new everyday."


You all had a chat and played games.

Having fun spending time with Bokuto and his friends. The boys were a little surprised to hear that you were Bokutos boyfriend.

But I guess you learn something new everyday.

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