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Chacters used belong to Haruichi Furudate.

All the pictures used belong to their original creators.

Keep in mind that this whole story is gone to be 3rd point of view. I'm too. Lazy to write to the others 💀


Being sick was absolutely the worst.

Headaches, stomach aches, constant throwing up, sometimes you can't even move, etc. 😪

You 🫵🏾 on the other hand, had a cold.

Luckily, you had Bokuto 😎👍🏾 with also the help of  Akashi. Your bsf.

Bokuto probably wouldn't be able to take care of you when sick. He never got sick a lot when he was younger, and neither did his elder sisters from what he remembered.

To most people, it might sound surprising, but Bokuto really does care about his health. Most people would think he's just some guy who doesn't care about anything but volleyball.

Or they would focus on his behavior or butt. But they never seem to focus on his character. 😪


"Damn, my head hurts," you said, tossing n turning in ur bed.

"Sorry you feel this way :(" Bokuto generally felt bad. Yesterday, you guys went out to play in the rain before getting to put your rain gear on, and he dragged you outside.

"It's fine, but how come I'm the one who gets sick? Why can't we be sick at the same timeeee~" you said, whining. I wasn't fair. Why author-Chan whyyy.

Akashi walks into the room with medicine

He got called cause Bokuto didn't know what to do. He freaks out too much.

"Swallow it." Akashi said, handing over a pill and water.

"Ayo?" The two toned boy said," Look at Akashi.

"Shut up, you ass." 😐 Akashi said amused.

The two argued back n forth. You quickly took the medication. The two boys started to get a little loud.

"Please stop yelling." You don't have the strength to bonk them both on the head.

They quickly shut up. You lay down, wrapping yourself in the blankets.

Akashi left the house, and seeing his job there was done. Also, he wasn't trying to become a 3rd wheel.

"M/n, can I lay down with you?"


"Get lots of rest. And get better so we can go to the new cafe tomorrow. :)"

"Yea yea, love you night,"



Yea, this is short. I had no idea what to do. I might make more today. Honestly, I'm trying to do enough of these oneshots so I can start on my haikyuu one-shot book. I've been making fanatics already. Hope you 

 Hope you  enjoyed

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