Two steps forward three steps back

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I was in third grade when I met Tom. Tom was great; I used to go to his house and wrestle, which he always lost. Tom loved Spiderman as a kid; he used to draw Spiderman, play video games about Spiderman, and have t-shirts about Spiderman. He was always obsessed with it. He was new to the town, so I was one of his first friends. He was understanding, caring, and friendly. emphasis on the 'was'.

He used to know everything about people's interests. For example, I used to love Harry Potter, and I used to talk about it to him every day. He knew a lot about that while also keeping his interests in things like gaming. He hated when people were rude to him or anyone else. Not to mention, he was very athletic. I mean, he has always moved or done something since he was a baby. He never stands still. Now he doesn't. He doesn't even respond anymore. He used to be supportive whenever Along with him, There was another child who came along with him. Kendall was the only girl in our group.

It's nice when you are the prettiest in the group since you are the only white, skinny girl. She was admired for her light skin, soft hair, skinny body, and cute face. She was the one with style and fashion. Everyone was obsessed with her. Everybody wanted to be friends with her. She gave little to no attention to me. She acted as if it were an honour to talk to her. But she was like a quirky pick-me-up theatre girl. She always loved to act goofy with me. We had a sister code. I was so friendly to her that people thought that we dated. Mind you, we were in 4th grade when they shipped us.
We went to dance classes together, and of course, we were paired together as a couple. Even when Tom and Tommy were available, our teacher paired us. She reasoned by saying we were both prettier kids. She said that right in front of the other kids. We grew together as friends during those rehearsals. I think I would say I want to act goofy with her. Nobody did it while she didn't care. She was loud and always excited.
We were loud theatre kids. Well, I did sing; she never liked singing. Singing was above her; she was better than that. She hated her culture. She always acted like a fool when it came to her culture as if her culture and heritage were something disgusting. She was bougie. She drank water from a glass, never from a bottle. She always ate food with a spoon; even when she was physically unable, she would eat Cheetos with a fork. Because her hands will get dirty. Kendall loved to be a diva. And she loved the attention.

My grandmother died when I was in fourth grade. I barely knew her well; I used to visit her once a year for one day. So there was not much of a close bond, I would say. But she was the first person in the line of people I saw dying. That was the first time I saw death. Before that, I didn't even hear news of people dying or see anything dead. The idea of someone so lively suddenly being gone was new to me. Tom was there beside me. He used to hug me when I cried. We used to go to lunch together. We used to sometimes share our food when needed. I used to cry a lot, but he never judged me. We used to share friendship bands and ride bikes along the streets of Beverly Hills. We used to play video games all day at his house. Most of the things he owned, his rich uncle used to buy for him. That's why he was the last person to get a WiFi network. Tom moved next door to my house a few years later. I was so happy to finally find a friend next to me. I and Tom used to play sword fighting with sticks and recreate scenes from our favourite cartoons. He used to be forever lovely and caring to me. I considered him my true best friend who never hurt my feelings. He is the one who is against bullying and stands up for me, and I protect him too. Suddenly, he got the urge to impress Tommy.

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