House of Versace

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Our parents are very good with the connections. They wanted us to try everything. There was a time when all of us learned to sing and had piano lessons together. That time, Kylie wasn't there. Also, I used to do dance rehearsals with all of them again when Kylie didn't come. Tommy wasn't interested in any of those things. His parents wanted him to find a hobby, but he never found one. I knew he loved gaming, but his parents didn't find it a legitimate hobby. Tommy was always dragged along and hard to work with during these rehearsals. Also, Miss Abby Lee Miller never liked Tommy. She always favoured me and Kendall and always paired us. There was this one performance where Mark was paired with Kendall, and I wasn't invited. But fortunately for me, Miss Abby chose me to replace Mark. I had only a week to practice, and the other kids were well-rehearsed. Abby taught me all those steps personally, one on one, and in that process, I learned those steps better than the rest of the kids. The performance day came. I was ready, and my muse, Kendall, was also ready. Tommy and Tom were paired with some younger, dorky kids, which they didn't even like. I went there, and I gave it my all. I gave expressions, I gave dance moves, and the audience was hooting and cheering. I loved every moment of it. I was feeling my vibe. After the performance, Abby hugged me tight; she didn't think I could pull it off so well. Ironically, it became my best performance, a performance that Mark was supposed to do.

We also had a stage play where I was the side character's comic relief. I wasn't the main character, but I stole the show. That was also an iconic moment in my life. Then Kylie came to Beverly Hills. Our moms booked us for a children's modelling ramp walk thing. Again, all of us were there. When we went there, we were met with very busy and high-class people. They were pairing all of us one by one. Mark was paired with a younger girl. Tommy was paired with Kendall. Tom's pair, but I don't remember, which means she was forgettable. I was expecting Kylie to be paired with some other handsome boy. But the agency paired us since our facial structures were the same. I looked back and realized all of the kids were paired together based on similar facial structures. We practised, but now Our friends were shipping me and Kylie. For me at that time, shipping both of us meant I was good friends with her. But she didn't have it; she knocked out all those people who were shipping us. But there was Kendall. For the first time, she isn't being shipped with me. Not only are me and Kendall always paired, but this time Kendall and I are separate. Kendall was replaced by Kylie. She wasn't mad at me; she was mad at Kylie. but they didn't fight about it at all. Kendall just chose not to talk to her. I asked Kylie what her problem was, and she responded by saying Kendall is jealous of Kylie. I didn't know what to believe. We still had to audition as a team. Tom and the other girl weren't selected because the girl wasn't good enough. Mark's pair also didn't get through because his posture and walk were horrendous. Tommy and Kendall got selected; they did amazingly, while Tommy still needed some work. Then came me and Kylie. We did outstanding work to the point where we were asked to close the show. We all also found out we were walking for the Versace Kids collection this summer. Me and Kylie went to Kendall and Tommy to share the good news. Tommy rolled his eyes at me and said "You just got that part because of your good looks, not my walking or posing talent, which is more important". I used to think modelling was all about looks, but apparently not. Kendall gave Kylie a side and told me her parents bribed the agency. She added I got part because Kylie was doing well. This hurt. I worked so hard while they told me I didn't deserve it. I went out crying. But I made sure they didn't see my tears; otherwise, they would call me gay. Unfortunately, they saw me crying. Tom and Tommy were laughing at me. Tommy said to me, "Why are you crying like a girl?" While crackling. Tom constantly called me "girl! Girl! Girl!" Like a hammer. I started to be scared of my friends.
The show day came, and we woke up early to get ready. When I reached there, Tom started again with his bullshit. Look, a girl is walking in," he taunted. Suddenly Tommy said, "That's enough! You are not even walking the show." He stood up for me. This is one of the moments he stood up for me. I forgot about that yesterday he insulted me, put me down, made me cry, and bullied me. He acted nice to me once, and I forgot everything. I am a very forgiving person, which has to be my weakness. On the other hand, Kylie didn't forgive. She acted as if Tom, Tommy, and Kendall didn't even exist. She didn't even respond to their calls or taunts. Tom and Tommy being the dumb kids, kept on calling her and annoyed the shit out of her. What she did next, I saw coming. She kicked Tom right in the face. Tom started to bleed. It was a mess. She was smart enough not to kick Tommy since he was going to walk the runway while Tom didn't. If she harmed Tommy's face, people would blame Kylie for ruining the show. She saved her ass real quick while also teaching them a lesson not to mess with her.
We went for the walk and killed it. Kylie was looking stunning. Kendall was giving a jealous face because, for the first time, all eyes were on Kylie instead of Kendall. Kendall's admiration for Kylie was ignored and overlooked. This attention made Kylie a complete diva. We ended the show, and all of our friends celebrated. Kendall threw an afterparty. Kylie outdressed everyone, even Kendall, the hostess herself. We tried to put aside our differences and come together as a group. In the end, Harry (me), Tommy, Tom, Mark, Kendall, and Kylie all named ourselves the "House of Versace" after the Versace show. That's how the children of the House of Versace were born.

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