Broken houses

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One year ago, we went to Italy, where everything changed. I really started to hate Italy because our friend's group completely broke up. I, Kylie, Tom, and Mark were still kind of together. But as we grew older, the two genders separated, so Kylie also left us. while I, on the other hand, didn't fit with the boys. In the 8th grade, homophobia was at its peak, but we were starting to figure it out ourselves. We were talking about puberty and periods, but I was mostly interested in the girl's periods. I didn't know why, though. I started to realize what I felt for men and boys was the attrition of my being gay. There was no one to tell me it was okay, so I was in denial. At that time, I had crushes on all the tall guys in my class. It was something about them that made me feel different. I stopped liking Mark after a while. I see him now as a friend. an annoying one, perhaps. But the denial was still on. I was aware of terms like gay, bi, and trans, but all these were nothing but slurs among my pals. My friends used to talk about famous celebrities who were women, so I just told their names to make sure nobody knew who I actually was. When we went to 9th grade, Tommy and Kendall permanently went to an elementary school far away. We never met them after that. All we knew was that Kendall and Tommy had broken up. Kylie pretends nothing happened, and she doesn't care at all. I don't know if much truth is in there, but all I know is that she is now a little happier. As I said, we started to divide, but for the first time, Kylie and I were together in the same classroom. It was weird at first, after what all happened. But slowly, we realized she was in her own world. while Mark was still the smartest person in the room. We started to feel pressured to get into Ivy League colleges. But Mark was a guarantee. We were spending our money. to be honest. He began to distance himself from us after the incident. Maybe the reason is that that was a huge distraction. But he couldn't help but miss us a little bit once in a while. His father was very adamant about that. His older brother, whom we thought was the smartest person in town, unfortunately, wasn't the case because he wasn't even close to the Ivy League. His father was extremely disappointed since it was his dream to send his kids to the Ivy League. Mark's father wasn't from a very rich family at the time. He did get into it but couldn't afford it. Since then, that has been his biggest regret. He became rich by other means, but he always envied other kids who were black or brown. After his first son failed, he was very disappointed, to the point where he wanted to abandon him. After that, he began to focus more on Mark. Mark felt the pressure of the entire world. He was in grave distress about his situation. He had no hobbies or aspirations other than studying and getting into Ivy League colleges. No, he had one dream, though. To be a racecar driver, Formula One, and get married to a supermodel. He had a crush on many girls and was open about it. There was something about us that the boys never named one of our friends as a crush. Well, do avoid all those Italian dramas. He had a crush on a girl called Salena. Salena was my first-grade classmate, and I remember throwing my food. She was very energetic and lovable; that's what everyone loves about her. Sometimes she was being a cringy tik-tok e-girl. And that's what her reputation was. Mark had a huge crush on her because of her huge bangers. I was also kind of forced to say it because it was gay to like someone with small coconuts. Mark couldn't date her because that might ruin his study. but there was always something very different about him. He was a nerd, but he was overly extroverted. Mark was the friendliest. But he hated going home. We asked about everything academic. He used to wear thick glasses and had olive-black hair. His skin was like a sugar ball, and his lips were like bubblegum. He was preparing for Harward, so he was also looking at the part. His father took control over everything, including his wardrobe. I used to wear a grey trench coat with a black shirt and sweater on top. Crem 60's pants and boots He became a replica of his father. He was very smart and barely made any mistakes. but when he did, his father used to destroy him completely. He wasn't allowed to leave the house for days at a time, so he could focus on his studies. The fact that this is just a normal weekend for us says a lot about him. He used to love football and used to watch matches in hiding from his father. His mom never spoke of anything she just nodded and accepted everything which happened in her house silently. We never interfered with what happened inside those closed doors. In fact, we never knew what happened behind those doors. All we saw was that he wore a turtleneck the next day rather than his regular shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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