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The seven families boarded the private plane bound for Sicily. But we and Tommy sat together on the same jet. It was clear that we weren't talking to each other anymore. The distance between them was palpable. In an attempt to make up for lost time, you attempted to initiate a conversation. "Hey Tommy, remember how we used to bond over dumb stuff and talk all the time when we were kids?" I ask.

Tommy looks over at me, but he doesn't say anything. He just gives me an annoyed look and looks away. The tension between us two is unbearable. I asked him

"You remember we used to watch that Disney Junior show?". I was nervous that he would say something mean.

"Oh yeah, I remember. What was that? He asked softly.

Sofia and the first," we said together and laughed at each other.

"Oh lol. That show was crazy! he said, smiling.

We were better as children," I said, looking outside the cars.

"Why do you think that? I asked my curious

"I mean, we used to go to each other's houses to have a lot of fun," I said.

"Yeah, I miss that," Tommy said in a low and sad voice.

"You remember I used to have a piggy bank where we used to collect coins? I said, remembering something.

Yeah, and I destroyed that," said Tommy, giggling.

"You remember what I said immediately? I asked.

"You said it's ok. but why tho? He asked curiously.

"I don't know. You broke everything about me, but I still forgive you in the end." I said I was tearing up a little bit from the left eye, but he didn't notice.

"Yeah, I wish I had that," he said.

We reminisce about the old days of innocence when everything felt perfect. But now, things are different and more complicated than ever. It was a bittersweet moment looking back on the old times, and the two couldn't help but miss that carefree feeling they once had. We both then stopped talking and looked outside the window to see clouds. We thought about this for a while. but we didn't talk about this during the entire journey. We finally landed in Sicily. I was excited to get to our last hotel. I was expecting a kind of luxury room with a beautiful view. The entire trip had been a nightmare. From the bloodstained hotel to the drugged-out and naked people on the stairs, the group had had enough. They wanted to escape at all costs. The sudden news of Tobey's mom fainting was like a sign that they needed to make a change. After hours of wandering and desperately searching, they finally found a hotel with vacancies. It wasn't the fanciest, but it was all they had. The group gathered and spoke, trying their hardest to brush off what happened in Milan. But it was still a lingering and awkward presence in the room. "This is the last day, huh? I asked.

"Like duh. Are you an idiot? said, Tom

Yeah, I am just saying," I replied.

Technically, it was the last night. We couldn't do anything today because of the hotel fiasco," Mark said.

Yeah, but at least we are together as a family. right," Kaylie said.

Ya, I enjoyed the trip very well, perhaps," I said, taking it positively.

"I didn't, said Kendall. Kendall's typical pick-me behavior just jumped out.

Yeah, me too," said Tom. Another pick-me

"Well, why may I ask?" I asked annoyed but containing my anger.

"I don't even like going out," Kendall replied, rolling her eyes.

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