Here she comes kylie

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And then came motherfucking Kylie. Where should I start? Allow me to begin with the very beginning when she first came to Beverley Hills. She came to Tom's house, and I met her there coming back from school. She was classy and gentle while also being attractive enough. She was real. Might be the most real person I had my first conversation with. She knew Tom before us, just like I knew Tommy. She was sharing her experience of coming here for the first time. She was what many described as a cool girl. She was expressing how much she wanted to participate in the protest her father was involved in. It was about the employee's salary. I don't think any of us, including her, understood the depth of the situation, but she was hyper-excited to make banners and fly them in the protest. I, as a kid, would never want to get involved in a situation like this.

There was an art competition, and the challenge was for us to make an original artwork on "heart's health". Overnight, I made a three-block comic carton illustration describing my love for my heart. Next, I asked everyone about their artwork. Mark said he was too busy studying, so he didn't do anything; Kendall said she made her mom do it; and Tom, however, made an artwork, which was amazing considering his age at the time. Tommy forgot this thing was happening and gave an excuse saying these things are for children. We were 10–11-year-old adults, according to him. The new girl, Kylie, when I asked her, didn't reveal it. We all submitted the artwork, and after hours of judging, the winner was Kylie. Kylie made a Xerox copy of artwork I saw on Google when I was searching for inspiration. My mom told me that she didn't make it; her dad did. I didn't care who made it, but all I remember is that I made something original and didn't win while she copied something off Google. When she was receiving the award, a guy asked me what her name was. I told him "Kylie, she is new, and she is also my friend". "Wow, I want her to be my girlfriend; I love her," he said. Looking back at it, he was just a child and didn't know about love, but then I remember he was arrested for sexual harassment. I don't know; maybe it did age well as I was expecting. That love rumour was spread, and I told Kylie that a boy wanted to date her. She was so mad that she immediately ran to that boy, held him to the collar, and threatened him that if he laid eyes on her, she would break his skull. Since then, I knew she was the first one, especially when it came to her reputation. One day Kylie and I went to a party, and I was annoying her.
She kicked me in the balls so hard that I couldn't move. I was a sensitive kid, and she was a karate-trained girl. Since then, I have never messed with her. At that party, being myself, I was expressing myself in a very flamboyant way. Tommy was also there. He was trying his best to put me down by calling me transphobic slurs. I really didn't care when I was 11. But suddenly Kylie jumped right in and called me 'gay'. Tommy was so shocked that someone could ever say that to me. He was laughing and uplifting Kylie while I was feeling hurt and alone. I didn't know what it meant, but I learned from there that being gay is the worst kind of insult in human history. Since then, I have tried to control my flamboyant behaviour. The trick is bad posture, slow walking, Making conversation awkward, pretending to be sad, and being the most insufferable being. I learned it mostly from Tom and Tommy.

Then one day a weight check-up was going on, and the entire class weight was being recorded. The lowest weight was around 20 something, while the highest was 40 something. Kendall was super skinny, so she weighed 24 Kg (53 lbs). Kylie's was 26kg (58 lbs), Tom's was 24 kg (53 lbs), and Tommy, who had a similar body type, had 32 kg (70 lbs). When it came to mine, I stood there shocked at 41 kg (90 lbs). All of my friends shamed me for my weight, and whenever I ate something, they used to recommend I not eat anything so I could lose weight. I tried my best to lose weight. I sometimes threw away my snacks, which my mom gave me for dieting. Every single day, either they say I am gay or I am fat and should start dieting. Kylie, Kendall, Tom, Tommy, and Mark continued to make such remarks. I knew Tommy started these fat jokes, and the others also jumped in to insult me for my weight. Tommy continued to make me feel insecure.

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