The Test and Secret Reveled.

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Mahadev started the test with spears. Karna touched Mahadev's feet and benevolently asked his permission to duel, which was granted. Every Devas, Asuras, Nag, Yaksh, Gandharva, Rishi-Muni etc gathered in their respective abodes to watch the duel.

The duel began and Mahadev was very aggressive from the start. However Karna managed to deflect. After half hour karna started going on the offensive and it was Mahadev's turn to get defensive. Karna knew it was all because of Devi Parvati's blessing, but he wasn't going to complain. In this manner the duel went back and forth. All those who saw it remembered how powerful karna was. He was reminding the spectators to of Raja Sahastrabahu of Treta Yuga. The only mortal man to have reached this caliber.

The duel went on for 2 hrs yet there was no clear Victor. There was no clear victor in this duel.

Then Mahadev summoned a sword. Seeing this Karna brought out a sword as well.

Then they started with the sword duel. This time however there was no ebe and flow like last time. This time they were evenly matched from the very beginning. Both were performing exceptionally well against the their opponent, they were like two apex predators vying for dominance. Neither had the upper hand in this fight.

Next came the axe fight. In this they started aggressively from the start. However much like the sword fight, neither seemed to be gaining any advantage over the other. Karn seemed to be as skilled as Parashuram with the axe. This duel again went off for two hours as well without any clear victor.

Then they both took up the mace. The twang of the weapons clashing, sent Shockwaves through the three worlds. It felt like planets clashing against each other. Everyone trembled watching this titanic clash. Sometimes Mahadev would have the upper hand and sometimes it would be Karn. Sometimes both will be evenly matched. Bhu devi who was watching this battle unfold from her abode was especially scared This again continued for 2 hrs.

Then finally was the test of Karna's favorite vidya Dhanur Vidya. The two picked ordinary bows, Yet their clash was horrifying. The three lokas again trembled. They were so evenly matched that none watching could tell who had the upper hand in this duel. The Devatas, Asuras, Gandharvas, Rishi-Munies on seeing Karna's prowess all remembered prowess of Bhagwan Parashuram, Sahastrabahu and Ravan Putra Atikaya. It had been a long time since they had seen such an archery duel. Mahadev was very aggressive no doubt, but Karna was holding his own. This went on for 2 hours as well. Then Mahadev stopped. He declared the End of the final Test.

Mahadev, "Vatsya you have passed your training in flying colors. You have achieved full mastery in all the weapons as well as in Unarmed combat. I am proud to have you as my student." Take rest now for tomorrow is a big day for you."

Next Day
After his Suryapooja he went straight to Mahadev and Mata Parvati.
Reaching their he immediately kneeled and bowed before them.

"Kalyan ho putra", They said in unison raising their palm.
Mahadev started," Oh Putra, We must reveal to you something that has been hidden from you. I know this question had been in your mind for some time."

Mata Parvati started, " Oh Putra you are not the biological son of Adhirath and Radha." Karna's eyes started to Moises up a little.

Mahadev started, " Oh Putra, you are the biological son of Surynarayan himself. Your mother is Devi Kunti. She was concieved you long before she got married. She was at that time unmarried, foolish, young and afraid of the society, and thus she flowed you in a basket to the river Ganga in a basket. Your father Adhirath was praying to me to get a child. He heard your cries from the basket and swam to it and he picked you up and adopted you. You are a Dev Putra, You are Suryanarayan's Prasad Vatsya and eldest son of Kunti and eldest of Kuru princes."

"May I say something Mahadev?" Asked Karn

"Of course vatsya." Said Mahadev.

" I do not know how or what to feel about this information. I feel glad that Devi washed me away. Had it not happened then I wouldn't be adopted by Mother and Father and subsequently I wouldn't have begotten you and Mata Parvati as my gurudev and gurumata."
But I cannot accept her as my mother in any form other than Devi Kunti. Nor accept my younger brothers in any shape or form not Until all of them accept me as I am and my decision to do as I do. "

"Tathastu" said in unison opening and lifting their palms at Karna.

" Hey Putra" Said Mahadev " I grant you the boon of having power and strength that rivals the Devas and the Asuras."

"Hey Putra" said Mata Parvati "I give you the boon to always be victorious in every battle"

"Hey Vatsy" said Mahadev " I know you have a knowledge of almost every celestial wespons but not all of them, so  I give you the knowledge of summoning controling and reverting the Brahmastra, Brahamasir, Brahmandastra, Bhargavastra, Vasavi sha Vaishnavastra, Narayanastra, Shambhavastra, Raudrastra, Maheshwarastra, Pashupatastra, along with an inexhaustible quiver that contains all the lesser celestial astras, a celestial Charoit pulled by 4 divine horses sitting on which you will be always be victorious, an infalible mace, and a Trailokya Kavach which is almost as strong your own Surya Kavach

"Putra" said Mata Parvati " I give you the knowledge of calling and calling back of the 3 arroes,(Teen Baan) which have no equal in all the realms I also grant you the full knowledge of Mrytuniastra it is an astra. It will put any ordinary being to death immediately. No one is safe from it, A Devata or a Demigod thou may not instantly die but will be put in a coma permanently unless An Avatar of any of the Tridevs brings them back to life.

"I am beyond overwhelmed to receive such gifts."

"Vatsya" Mahadev stated "it is time for your Gurudakshina."

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