Gurudakishna and Rise of the Suryaputra

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"Oh Vatsy" Said Mahadev, "The Polomas and the Nivat Kavachas have taken over the whole of Patal. They have either killed or subjugated all the Asuras and Nagas, or driven them to bhulok. Now they are preparing to attack Swarglok. That is why you saw so many Devs, Asurs, Nagas and even Shukracharya himself around here in Kailash. They all wanted help to rid Patal of the Nivatkavachas and Pulomas. Their king is Kaalnemi who got a boon from Brahma that neither Davta nor Asuras nor Nag, Yaksha, Gandharva, Animal, Reptile, Bird or fish can kill them."

"Putra" Said Mata Parvati "however they forgot to ask for immunity from Humans, you are a Devputra however you are also a human. You can kill them.

Mahadev said "Putra I promised them that you my student will rid Patal of these Asuras."

"Your words are absolute my lord" said Karna, "I shall carry out your wish Gurdev and Mata without any delay." With that he bowed to the Divine Couple and touched their feet.

" Vijayi Bhava Putra." The Divine Couple said in unison.

With that he said left spot and immediately got on his Ajay Chariot. And headed straight for Patal.

Karna in just a few hours. There he saw them. An unbelivably great host of Asuras just waiting to be unleashed upon Bhulok and Swarglok. Great and terrible were their Stature, Mighty were their weapons, seemingly impregnable their battle formation, their roars and battle crying could make Normal Maharathi Kshatriyas die of die of fear. But Karna was the Suryaputra Putra. It would take Kaal Bhairav and Maha Kaali themselves to frighten him. When they saw Karna atop his chariot, they realized correctly that he was a human cause they could smell his "delicious" manflesh, that in his mid teens. They thought he was sent by the Devas as an insult to them. They immediately got ready to attack him. They wanted to eat him up and send his head to Devendra.

Karna now unleashed his Solar Aura that only he as Suryaputra can achieve. This was like as if Suryadev himself had come to Paatal. Karna summoned his Vijay bow that. As the asuras were charging at him, he pulled the string of his bow, towards his ear and passed it. Then he let go and then there was a twang that reverberated in the whole of Patal. The twang itself killed nearly half the Asuras. The others couldn't believe what just happened and immediately stopped. But not Karn he showed them constantly with deadly arrows. The Asuras had no place to hide. They kept running away from him but were unsuccessful. Karn kept unleashing crores and crores of arrows from which there was no escape for the Asuras. Within only 3hrs the battle was nearly over.

Karna had killed all the Asuras only Kalnemi was left. He was furious at Karna, however this Asur veer was un daunted. He challenged karna to a mace battle. Karna accepted the challenge and the mace battle started. They were like to evenly matched elephants trying to gore each other. The battle was testing each of their strengths, stamina and skills. Only one shall succeed in this test. The mace battle went on without any break for 31 days straight. Neither could out match the other. However by the end of the 32 day Karna managed to get the upper hand and fatally smash Kaalnemis head.

With that he contemplated to Mahadev and Mata Parvati. They blessed his from kailash " Congratulations vatsy. You have given us our Gurudakshina." Said the Divine Couple. May you triumph like this in every challenge in your life"

In the following days he consecrated the final rights of every asura including Kaalnemi.

After that he returned to Kailash where many Devas, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Asuras, Nagas etc were present welcome him. They all gave their blessings, to him. Karna with full humility accepted them.

He then went to the divine couple and bowed before them. "Sadhu Vatsy" they said in unison, "Sadhu, Tumhara Kalyan ho Suryaputra Karn"

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