Karn starts reorganizing his kingdom

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Soon Karn started going back to his Magadh. He decided to effectively unite and govern both the Kingdoms properly, the city of Malini would be the best candidate for a Capital as it stood on the border of previously Magadh and Anga. Adhirath and Radha both traveled along with Karn to their ancestral homeland. Upon entering the the city of Malini people were in applause as the slayer of Jarasandh had become their king. Soon he gave out the order that their will be a of the beaurocracy, Military and Parliament of  both Anga and Magadh. He told everyone that neither of the kingdom are has annexed the other. That is why he chose Malini as the best candidate for a Capital, not Champa and neither Rajgir.

As the weeks went by Karna managed to reorganize the Parliament and beaurocracy. First he extended the sabha that included both previous members of the Sabhas of both Champa and Rajgir. Karn freed and reinstalled the landholders imprisoned by Jarasandh. He gave them orders to rebuild their lands. They were given monetary help from the royal treasury so that they develop their areas and increase employment there. This would mean more money for more the common people to start buying more. And the more they by the shopkeepers become richer and the whole cycle is restarted. Many revered sages like Angiras, Bharadwaj, Sanat Kumar, Vashishtha, Vishwamitra etc, came to settle in their, Karn himself saw to it their ashrams were properly built and head thousands of cows and hundreds of bulls of good quality were given to these sages. There was absolutely caste distinction in the United Kingdoms. In fact. Because of the caste system being no longer a hindrance the Kingdoms economy grew rapidly

Then he placed the 1000 akshauhini army solely in the southern and Eastern borders. He reduced their status as border patrol without reducing their salary

Many people Yadavs who were fleeing from Kansa's rule looking and now were looking for a new home came to his kingdom to settle there. One of them was Charioteer named Daruk. He was a famed Charioteer and he wanted to become Karns charioteer.  Karn granted him the opportunity. Also there was a kid called Eklavya who wanted to become a Warrior. Karna introduced him to Sage Bharadhwaj, Vishwamitra so that he could get the best education.

One day
The new prime minister Adhirath of the  court introduced a very plain yet royal looking girl to Karna.

She to karna it seemed like an Apsara. Adhirath told him that Jarasandh had no sons yet had many daughters. The one standing infront of him was his last child, also one of his daughters from a Sut Kanya. The people in the sabha all him to get married to this Girl. By marrying her Karna's legitimacy as King will be strengthened

Karn walked upto her. And asked her name.  She shyly uttered the name "Vrushali"

"Look at me Devi" said Karn and she slowly lifted up her gaze to meet Karna's. "I wish to join the people of regions of Anga and Magadh. For that I need legitimacy and a queen who will promise to be my Life Partner no matter what. Who will care about this new kingdom like a mother. Vrishali was a shy girl. He knew this man infront of her holding out his hand was
the one who killed her father. But she didn't have much remorse for her Father. She knew from her mother that Jarasandh had forced himself onto her and thus she was born. She grew up as an illegitimate daughter who Jarasandh could pawn off at a whim. She remembers how Jarasandh used to torutre his subjects. But now this new king is willing to work in favour of the subjects. She loved the fact that he asked her permission to marry her, unlike her father who forced himself on women. They way he treated his subjects with utmost care and compassion, really moved. She already had accepted as him as King. Now he was asking for her support in this endeavors. It didn't hurt that he looked like a Gandharva from swarglok.

She decided she would definitely help him on his endeavors. So she said yes without much hesitation.

An auspicious day was decided to get married and soon the two were of married on that auspicious day.

There were song and cheer all over the city that day. And at night. The two passionately expressed their liking for each other.

They made love all night giving themselves to each other.

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