Karn Returns Home duel with Bhishma

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Next Day Karna was called by the divine couple. He immediately went to them and bowed.

" Vatsy " Said Mahadev " it is time for you to return to bhulok.

Karna was shocked "have I done something wrong Gurudev and Gurumata?"

"No Putra you have done nothing wrong. Infact you are now needed for the Kalyan of Aryavart." Said Mata Parvati

They told him how many of the Asuras have not gone back to pataal. They stayed back on Bhulok and are still creating problem for innocent people. On top of all of this he was needed to protect his own homeland, his own motherland. He needed to go back to his adopted parents. Think of it as his second test. They also said not to be sad as they will appear to him whenever he called for them.

Karna tearfully bowed to the Divine Couple and took his leave. He mounted upon his divine chariot. He looked back one last time at the place he had grown so accustomed to. Then with a heavy heart he was off to bhulok. He found he was actually eager to go to his adopted family. To go back Home.

He reached his home in Bhulok, in the city of Hastinapur.

"Ma!!!!, Baba!!!!" He called out his parents.

In just a few moments came a call.

"Who is it?" Asked Adhirath from inside the house

"Baba, Ma, it's me Karn, Your son Karna.

Then Adhirath and Radha came rushing out of the house. It was a tearful reunion of the family.

Radha immediately got started to make karna's favorite food. They all sat down to eat. Radha couldn't believe that her first son returned. he left home nearly 10 years ago, she thought she would never see him again, And Yet here he was, all grown up, looked if a Maharathi Warrior-Prince among ordinary people, Lithe yet bulky in the right places.

Karn started to tell all about his deeds at kailash, where he mastered all the weapons and scriptures, how he succeeded in his test against Mahadev himself, how he killed Asuras in Patal itself.

They were both horrified and yet proud of their son's deeds. Radha, in her mind, thanked the Divine couple for all they had done for her son.

However wanted to understand Palace politics better. So he asked whether he could get a job in the Palace.
Adhirath said "I will ask for a position tomorrow. Now Putra rest for today. Tomorrow will be a big day for you.

Tomorrow, on the wee hours of dawn Adhirath and Karna were doing their Suryapuja. Adhirath was amused he knew the reason but he didn't give it too much thought. After their Surya Pooja. They went back to their hut. They had their breakfast and then they got dressed and went to the Palace. Once at the gate, Adhirath introduced the gate keepers to his son. Radheya Karn. Adhirath was not only the personal charioteer and confidant but also the head of Hastinapurs royal stables. So he gave Karna a to feed, bathe and groom the horse. Adhirath now could focus on his work as the close confidant of Dhritarashtra much more clearly. He went to Dhritarashtra and told him about karna and Adhirath' appointment of Karn in the stables. Adhirath's influence in the royals court was now next to Bhishma, Vidur and Kripacharya. In fact he became an unwanted rival for them for quite. A while.

Karn quickly made himself at home in the stables. He learned much about Kunti her children and her vanvas, however honestly, he couldn't care less about her and her family.

A few months went by and karn did his job with excellence. However he was noting something change in her father demeanor. Finally Karna asked his father about what was going on. Adhirath knew that it was foolish to hide the facts from his son. He knew Karn will get to know it anyway so he decided to tell him.

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