Magadhraj Karn

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The Mighty Tyrant Jarasandh was dead.
Karn called up the kite he took from Shakuni, using his abilities to talk to animals he sent a message regarding his triumph, to Hastinapur. After that he wrote another letter which he wrapped around the arrow and sent flying towards the throne room of Rajgir. Then he used Agneyastra to burn all the corpses including Jarasandh's. He had to do it for he knew Jarasandh didn't have any male heirs.

Next Day he entered Rajgir after him completing the surya puja and then getting dressed. He rode along slowly so  that everyone could get a good glimpse of him. He entered the Palace and went to the Throne room.

He told all the ministers that soon he would be taking over the kingdom in the name of Hastinapur. The future of the country was looking brighter.

Next he visited Malini Nagar there he told the people the same thing. People of both the Kingdoms were delighted that Jarasandh was dead.

He soon went back to Hastinapur, where he was given a hero's welcome.

Everyone in the streets were lining the roads throwing flowers on the streets on which he was traveling and some were showering him with flowers from the roof tops.

Soon enough he reached the Palace where Bhishma, Dhritarashtra Kripacharya, Vidur and Shakuni were waiting for him in the sabha. He saw that his parents were already there. Dhritarashtra had sent a special letter of invitation to them after getting news that Karn was victorious. Once in the sabha everyone started to applaud Karn. He took the blessings of his mother and father and hugged them both were crying in pride and joy.

Once in the sabha. Everyone formally applauded Karn.

Karna bowed his head to everyone in the room.

"OH Radhey, OH Adhirathnandan" said Dhritarashtra "I am proud to have you as champion who supports Hastinapur and supports me and my immediate family"

Vidur,Bhishma and Kripacharya were uncomfortable by these words coming out from Dhritarashtra' mouth. They realized that Dhritarashtra was trying to get Karn to support his claim of his children to the Throne" Bhishma now realized what Karn meant what Karn was talking about the dark future ahead.

"I am pleased by your actions" said Dhritarashtra "so I hereby declaire that the Anga and Magadh will be merged together into one single United Kingdom, and the new king of this United Kingdom I declare to be is Karn himself. No bond should be placed upon this new kingdom, the king and its people other than the kingdom will stand by my side and that of children."

Shakuni Adhirath and Radha were elated

While Vidur, Bhishma and Kripacharya were shocked at the blatant creation of an opposing front by Dhritarashtra. They knew Shakuni had to be behind this.

"Maharaj" said Karn "cause of such a small feet you are giving me such a great gift. I will try to use this opportunity to the greatest use, and promise to give prosperity, happiness and opportunities for everyone."

"Kirtiman bhava" said Dhritarashtra "Digvijayi bhava"

Then he touched the feet of his parents

"Dirghajivi bhava" Said Adhirath
" Ayushman bhava" said Radha

Then finally he went to Bhishma, Vidur and Kripacharya and bowed touching their feet.
"Buddhiman Bhava" they said together.

Karna then got ready and removed upper his angvastra and sat on his coronation asan. Then the priests came and started to chant vedic hymns some were pouring milk and honey on him, some were showering him with flowers. Then they dressed him up in royal attire, then they put a crown on his head and finally a big fat garland on his neck. A new day had come for Magadh and Anga.

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