Unsettling News and Demons Attack

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Somewhere in Magadh underneath a ground cave an Asur Lord named Kratasur was seething. Jarasandh was one of his most trusted ally and confidant. Kratasur sworn a bloody revenge against this new Magadh raj.

"Nishachar!!!!" he called his master of spies.

A gigantic gargoyle like Bat monster appeared infront of him. It soon took on a much more humanoid form.

"My lord" said Nishachar and bowed down

"Tell me Nishachar what news comes from Magadh." Said Kratasur.

"My lord news is not good." Said Nishachar. News is not good. The new king is nearly only fifteen or sixteen years old but and only with his unparalleled understanding of statecraft and politics he is making the economies of Magadh and Anga boom. He is also a disciple of Mahadev and Devi Parvati themselves. That explains how he killed Jarasandh and his Kalakeya army. He recently furthered his own legitimacy of Magadh by marrying Jarasandhas last daughter. I have also come to know that he killed the Nivatkavachas and Pulomas of Patal."

"Interesting" growled Kratasur. We must be careful on how to defeat him. We shall start with his beloved civilians and then attack the Palace.

In the next few days the. The news of people being abducted was spreading throughout the empire. Karn was quite alarmed. To make sure the security of his kingdom doesn't get compromised, karn saw to it personally that the families of his soldiers were sent to barracks, so that the soldiers can be assured of that there families are safe.

Karn realised that this was an asymmetrical warfare on part of the demons.

He grew very tensed about the well being of his citizens day by day.

At these moments only the only his solace was his wife. One whom he can tell all his troubles to. At such a young age the he got all his will power from the mental and physical closeness he got from his wife Vrushali. Hower he noticed that the his wife's health was deteriorating. She was falling down unconsciously. The royal Vaid checked up on her. He told Karn the good news that his wife was pregnant. Karna had mixed feelings about the news. On one hand he was overwhelmed with joy about him about to become a father but also scared about him not going be good enough a father to his child.

This was noticed by Nishachar. He planed the a direct attack on the Palace and killing his wife would break his spirit.

The attacks against the civilians started decreasing till it gradually stopped. This   was a calculated move on part of the Demons. It worked, the security system of Magadh was laxened. The Demons however only were waiting for a chance to attack the Palace.

Soon after a month, that chance came one evening when the when the city was settling down. Karna was tending to matters outside the Palace.

The attack happened all of sudden. Every corner of Malini city erupted Karn saw hordes of batlike humanoids came flying up from the ground into the sky and attacking towards the Palace. Karn without delay ran back towards the Palace. Once near the there he used the Teen Amogh Baan to kill all the Demons.

He went inside and saw the managed to kill some of the servant. But due to his newly formed Yadav Sena the casualties were low. He went to see his parent, who were thankfully unharmed. Then he raced towards his wife. What he saw there made his blood run cold.

He saw his wife on the floor on a pool of blood, with a knife stuck to her back.

Karn immediately called out for the raj vaidya. The nurses and tha Rajvaidya quickly tended to the queen.

After a few hours the Vaidya came out.
The Queen and the baby are out of danger

Karn breathed a sigh of relief.

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