Jarasandh Vadh

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Karna was given a royal welcom in the sabha. Dhritarashtra in particular was happy and Shakuni was all praises about Karn. He realized more n more how powerful karna really was.

Dhritarashtra said Karn will leave for Magadh tomorrow.

Karna was exited he couldn't wait to end the life Jarasandh the Tyrant who was ravaging his motherland. He asked for one of Shakuni's birds (messenger kites) so that the can send the message of Jarasandh's end as soon as possible. Shakuni gladly gave him on of his best birds.

Next Day Karn completed his Suryapuja
And then he went the nearby temple of Mahadev and Mata Parvati and prayed to them as he knew that Jarasandh also was a bhakt of Mahadev. He was essentially going to fight Mahadev's bhakt. So he asked for Mahadev's permission to do so.

Mahadev and Mata Parvati appeared before him and gave him the permission Karn seeked. Karn bowed his head to the Divine Couple and took his leave.

Next he went straight to his home. There he saw his mother weeping and his father trying to console her

Karn immediately fell at her feet and asked whether something was wrong.

"You know what is wrong son" said Radha. " A non Kshatriya mother can never be calm when their child is going  to a fight to the death with the most terrifying king in this world."

Karn said that Jarasandh was no match for him and he will slay the tyrant. He ask his parents to join in him on his journey to Anga. But they declined saying that they will go there when he kills the Tyrant.

Karn decided not to say anything further. There was no way to convince his parents. He will try again when he had conquered Magadh.

He took their blessings, then mounted his chariot, then finally started for Anga

In only a few hours before. He started to assess the situation by traveling about Anga for a nearly two weeks and saw that the situation there was worse than he imagined. There were some law and order but Jarasandh's attacks made the state machinery almost non workable. However Karna deduced that the situation can be solved if Magadh was conquered. Anga had the man power and freeing the smaller landlords from Jarasandh' clutches will fix the beaurocracy, bring law and order back to Anga. Meanwhile Magadh had many mare natural resources, better artisans, craftsmen and a far more powerful army which could be used to fix the issue of border security.

Next day Karn entered Magadh in disguise. He roamed about the country for two weeks especially the capital of magadh named Rajgir. There also he got to know that Jarasandh was not liked by his own people.After he became king he also became a Tyrant immediately. He closed off the borders of Magadh so their was no crossborder trade. The people had lost a large part of their income. Following this instead of Tax cuts, he used to tax the citizens heavily in order to grow his military. In just 10 years he had 1100 Ashouhini Sena, soldiers of 1000 akshauhinies did not like Jarasandh. However the last 100 akshauhinies were composed of the Kalakeyas, Half human and half demons. Jarasandh gave special attention to them as it was his personal army. His Prime Minister Bahuk was his second in command of the whole kingdom and a really hated person. Jarasandh also controlled the education through corrupt Brahmins who only sang his praise. True Brahmins who only followed and taught Dharma as it should be were ostracized.

Karn after returning from Magadh back to Anga. He decided to not waste time.

He will have to attack Magadh tomorrow itself.

Next Day
Karn finished his Suryapuja, chanted the Aditya Hriday stotram for victory.
He immediately got ready to fight Jarasand by noontime Karna reached Rajgir and gave a mighty twang of his Vijay bow. Karna launch an arrow with a letter wrapped to it, issuing a major challenge to him. The arrow landed near Jarasandh's feet but not before chopping off the head of Bahuk. Jarasandh immediately took out the paper, containing the message, out from the arrow and began to read it.

The message contained a direct challenge to Jarasandh and his Kalkeya army.

Jarasandh immediately ordered his Kalakeya army to get ready and Jarasandh himself will lead them.

Within a few of hours the Army was Ready and Jarasandh led them out of Rajgir. They only had to go 10 kilometers where Karna was standing.

"Was it you who dared to challenge me?" Asked Jarasandh angrily.

"Yes it was." Said Karna " I have come to end your Tyranny on this planet "

Jarasandh laughed heartily at this. "Such a young age yet u hold lofty thoughts, Child"

"Age is no factor in this fight, Jarasandh" said karna. "I am here to win back Magadh in the name of Hastinapur "

"This is such an insult." Said Jarasandh "Sending a child alone to fight me and then try to take over my kingdom.

Fine then I will cut off your head and send it back to Hastinapur"

" Give it your best Jarasandh " said Karn. " Instead  thinking about Hastinapur you should worry about me. I promise you that I will tear you apart. You shall get no mercy."

Jarasandh became concerned a little. What he implied was that this kid knew the secret on how to kill him. But he still had belief in himself because infront of him was just a young teenager. Surely he would win over this kid.

Jarasandh ordered his army to attack. He along his soldiers sent a million arrows towards Karn but he countered them with ease. Not only that but he was firing with countless arrows to the Kalakeya army.

All around Jarasandh the army was falling like a bunch of flies. Within Couple of hours the Kalakeya army were all dead. Only Jarasandh alone was standing. However he saw that he was out of arrows.

A furious Jarasandh then took up his personal celestial mace.

Karna summoned his own mace.

The two warriors sized each other up and then terrifying mace duel began.
In that duel sometimes the were both an equal match for each other, and then sometimes Karn would dominate and sometimes Jarasandh would dominate. The duel went on for weeks without any break. The whole three worlds were trembling. The power of their blows was resonating. Finally at one point of time Karn hit him on the head with such strength and skill that the Gada fell off Jarasandh's hands and he fell to the. Karn didn't waste any time he immediately launched himself at Jarasandh. Karna with his left leg pinned down Jarasandh's right thigh to the ground, and then grabbed his right leg and started to tear his body in half. Jarasandh immediately asked for mercy saying that he conceded defeat, but Karna gave him none after remembering what he did in Ang. So without remorse Karn screamed out loud and with his bare hand tore Jarasandh in half and tossed the pieces in opposite directions so that it cannot ever get joined together again.

Jarasandh was dead.

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