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The weather was not clear, and it filled the sky with grey clouds. The thunder appeared in the sky after every few minutes. The RV was on the road at top speed. Bruce wanted to get away from the woods. He did not know that fate had decided something else for him. 

 On the road, he saw something ahead of him. But because of the distance, the whole imagery was blurred. After some minutes of driving, he saw two vehicles on the roadside.

When he came close to them, a sense of relief came into his mind, they were police cars. Finally, he was away from the cult clutches. He now made a promise to himself that he never tried to kill a pronghorn in his life again. But he was feeling the satisfaction that he saved an innocent life today. He was determined to help the police in catching those cult members.

So he stopped his car near the police van. He ran towards them. And shouted for help.

One police officer came near him.

"Hey what happened"

"Sir, please save us from those psychos in the woods"

"What are you talking about"

"Sir there were people in the woods who try to kill a girl in the name of sacrifice."

"Where is that girl"

"Sir she is in my car"

"Okay, please take a seat"

"Thanks, sir"

"It's okay. We have to inform for the backup then we will hunt them"

Bruce took a sigh of relief, he was totally devastated by what he experienced that day.

He was standing near the car.

Both policemen were talking about each other. One of them took the phone and talked with someone.

Bruce heard him talking on the phone with someone, he was a few meters away from him, their chat was not clear but the last words were absolutely clear to him.

"The girl is found"

He saw at them upon hearing those words because no other person knew that girl was abducted beside him and the cult.

The policeman looked at him and before he understands anything he took out his revolver to shoot him in the stomach.

Bruce felt an iron rod hit his guts. He was on the ground, his hands were around his stomach. He felt the warm blood on his hands. His breathing was heavy. He looked at them while lying on the road with a bullet in the stomach.

His eyes were slowly closed, and everything around him was blurring. The last thing he saw was the policeman taking the girl from the car, and there was a tattoo of the sunset on his wrist.

The End......... let me know if you like its sequel.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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