United Force VS Siren Part 2

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The nightmare is about to rise ...
The black mental cube ...
The ultimate weapon of the siren ...
When it hits a Kansen...
Their nightmares rise...
And Damage them one by one...

And only one can stop the nightmares...
But it's a matter of time...
For the saviour come...
To stop once & for all...

Nimitz bed room
05:30 a.m

Nimitz : " What was that ? Why do i feeling someone was talking to me like giving me a threat and a hope message ? "

Nimitz was woke up with a sweaty body, he surprised to see this thing. He then rush to take a nice warm shower, he then change to his formal outfit and rush to breakfast.

Flashback yesterday

Nimitz : " So this is so called the Black Mental cube eh ? "

Akashi : " Yes it is Nya ! "

Arleigh Burke : " Looks ... suspicious "

Cleveland : " Can we use this to manipulate the siren fleet ? "

Vestal : " I don't know, what do you think Akashi ? "

Akashi : " I don't know Nya ! Akashi is just a lowly repair ship Nya... "

Seawolf : " Hopeless... "

Vella Gulf : " Great ... "

Sacramento : " Now what ? "

Missouri : " Whatever it is, i think we shouldn't touch that thing "

Then Enterprise trying to touch it but in a responce Nimitz slap her hands and let his hand touch the cube and he suddenly stoned.

Nimitz : " .... "

Missouri : " Erh... Old salt ?! "

Arleigh Burke : " Sir ? Sir ?! Hello !! "

America : " What's going on with M.r Nimitz ? "

Sacramento : " I even don't know either America "

With a sudden, Missouri & Arleigh Burke pulling Nimitz's hand out and he suddenly back to reality with a face of scared like he just saw a ghost. Everyone was surprised with their faces that moment

End of Flashback

At the cafetaria, Nimitz have his breakfast queitly when his friends also joining the breakfast. Everyone was very wooried since that time he touch the black mental cube, he only said he just fine. After that session of breakfast, they all went to their stuffs. Like Missouri going dating again with his Fiancée, Arleigh Burke went to ask Brooklyn to take one or more than 1 of her sisters to a date, Sacramento was having a "conversation" with Vestal and Belfast, Seawolf making bonding relationship with the US submarine girls, and Vella Gulf having fun with her " mother " Ticonderoga, and America was on baseball field playing baseball with the other shipgirls.

Bogue : " You ready America ? "
*Preparing her powerfull pitch throw*

America : " I am ready ! " *Preparing herself and her bat*

Bogue : " And ... Take this !!! "
*Throws the ball*

America : " HIYAA !!! " *Hitting the ball with a baseball bat that she held firmly and flew to the high skies*

Bluegill : " Wow ! That is sooooo.... HIGH! "

Meanwhile with Nimitz

Nimitz is now at Vestal's clinic room, after he was fealing unhealthy lately. And Vestal happily accept him to stay in the Infirmary, and now he is listening to a music in his headphones

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