Useless Vengeance part 1

358 6 3

Several Months Later after meeting the other new ships

In Missouri's home

It was a normal day in Missouri's family, and is more special cause Arizona have almost reach her final month of her pregnancy.

It was a normal day in Missouri's family, and is more special cause Arizona have almost reach her final month of her pregnancy

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Source : coolguy6267

Please follow this user he is the best for this art 👍🏻

Missouri : " Be careful dear, you have a growing boy inside you here " *helping her to stands up*

Arizona : " I know dear, mama just didn't realize that it almost the time to give birth soon for our next generation " *rubs her pregnant belly*

Missouri : " Can't wait to see you little one~ "

S Missouri : " Me too daddy, can't wait to see our new family member "

S Arizona : " Have you pick a name for the new baby boy mom ? "

Arizona : " Well ... mama was thinking to give him the same name as your father childrens "

Missouri 11 : " Haha, of course this is something very good to hear it. So Arizona, how does it feels to become a mother ? "

Arizona : " Of course is a very precious moment in my life, thank you also sir for company me & my husband "

Missouri 11 : " No problem... Ouch ! And maybe i need a bit massage on my back, this old boy need more exercise i guess "

S Arizona : " Let me help you Grandpa "

S Missouri : " So do i ! "

Missouri 1841 : " These Kids are so young & strong, i thank to God who bless this country "

In the other place also

Arleigh Burke : " Hey Louis, are you finishing yet ? We about to go to the beach, hurry up ! "

St Louis : " Almost handsome~ "

Arleigh Burke : *blushing*

JPJ : " Damn big bro, how could you blushing at her ? She is a beauty "

Arleigh Burke : " I mean, this is my first date after i ask her big sister Brooklyn for asking her to go out. It's hard to talk with someone like Brooklyn you know ? "

Sampson : " Yup "

JPJ : " By the way Sampson, you were also going to dating Helena right ? "

Sampson : " Yes ... and you also going to dating Phoenix also right ? "

JPJ : " afirmitive Indeed "

Then St Louis, Helena, & Phoenix come out from their rooms with using sexy new swimsuit from Akashi who sold it for a quite expensive price. St Louis wearing a dark blue colour bikini, while Helena wears a mixture of light blue and navy blue bikini, and Phoenix wearing a fire patern bikini. The three Arleigh Burke class brothers are blushing together.

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