The Ex Boyfriend

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Your ex boyfriends car is parked next to Asher's. Worry fills you as he exits the car and makes his way towards you and Asher, he grabs your arm and begins yelling at you "I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU PUT ME IN JAIL, AFTER EVERYTHING I DID FOR YOU? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HUH? ANSWER ME!" Asher grabs him and pushes him off of you and says,"What the hell is your problem, dude?" You rush to the car as the two fight, and then Asher gets in and speeds away. Asher drives for a couple of minutes as you two sit in silence but you begin to speak and attempt to explain the situation, you can tell he's confused or upset, "So I should probably explain what just happened shouldn't i..." You begin to say when Asher interrupts,"Who is he, and how did he find you... we are hours away from home?" You know he's angry that you didn't bring it up, but again, you have only gone on two dates with each other and thought bringing up the ex wouldn't be such a bright idea. "He's my ex-boyfriend, Tom... he's a bad guy, and I'm not just saying this as the typical all exes are bad. He is truly a horrible person, Asher..." You then go quiet. Asher pulls into a mall parking lot and says, "Okay. Let's talk about this: What is so horrible about him? You can't just expect me to be in the dark about all of this! I need to know these things, I need to protect you" hearing Ashers words felt like fireworks and butterflies, you never felt safe or had your feelings accounted for by a man, but you know asher is different so you begin to explain what happened between you and Tom... "Tom and I broke up about 10 months ago, around the same time I started waitressing at the diner, before the diner I worked at a huge law firm I was great at my job and my employees were all so amazing but tom spread some false claims and it got reported back to my boss and I lost my job..." Asher asks if that was why he was so bad. You begin to tear up and can feel your face getting hot, "No, there is more... he was abusive behind closed doors, I would have to cover cuts and bruises almost every day, and when I told my family..." You start crying, and Asher grabs your hands, "Hey hey, hey, if it is too hard to talk about, we don-" You interrupt him "no I want you to know... when I told my family they asked Tom about it and of course he lied and well my family loved him so they believed him over me... so after my family accused me of lying about the abuse I kept my mouth shut and didn't tell a soul about what he was doing, I tried to breakup with him probably 20 times and each time he would get upset abuse me and tell my family I was trying to ruin the relationship" Asher sits quietly for a few minutes pulls a bag of tissues out the glove box and then a water from the back and hands them to you, he then asks "so how did you get out of the relationship?" You giggle a bit but you know you shouldn't have "Tom was a drug dealer, hard drugs, ketamine, cocaine, methamphetamine, and he would sell to highscoolers because he knew they would pay what ever for a little high, I talked to a officer and he went undercover as a highschool student and well Tom being naive saw it as a money making opportunity, New student didn't know the good from the bad and when he approached the officer and tried to sell to him, obviously he got arrested, I thought he was in jail still honestly I don't know how he found me but I'm glad I wasn't alone." Asher leans in and kisses you, and for the first time, you feel special, and like you mean something. Asher begins to speak, "Does Tom know what you did? Did he have reason to act the way he did?" You stare blankly out he window and reply " I don't know"

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