3 steps: read, wait, proceed

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3 messages each message containing some sort or words that will alter you, you just know it. You read the first message: 'I stopped by the diner today, it's a shame you quit your job at the law firm, that place is a dump and all those rich snobs acting like royalty, it's horrendous, I spoke to your boss...you are out of town? You didn't bother to send a message? Was told you left with some prick and wouldn't be back at work for a few days. Moved on from Tom pretty fast, it seems...' God only if you knew mother, only if she listened, she knew you loved your job at the firm, so why the hell would she actually believe that you quit? Reading the first message left so much anger in you and you make your way to the kitchen and put yourself a glass of wine, "here's to you mother" you say as you chug down the glass. You begin to read the second message: 'Okay I'm sorry I shouldn't talk down about your job at least you are actually making money for yourself Tom told us before he went to jail you never paid for anything-' you stop because you hear Asher unlock the bathroom door, you make your way to the bedroom and he's standing there in a towel, he says "funny story, I don't have any clothes..." You smile and take his towel and jump up and wrap your legs around him, kiss him as he makes his hands trace your back. You jump down go into your dresser and pull out a pair of boxers "here I bought them for myself but I haven't worn them, if you go in the closet I have some sweats or shorts somewhere in there but you are out of luck for a shirt" he smiles heads to the closet and come back out with a tank top and a skirt on, you giggle and chase him around the house trying to get him out of your clothes, he's to quick he then picks you up and throws you on the couch, you slide the shirt off him and say "pink isn't really your color" you then look down and pull off the skirt "neither is black" he then winks and says "the boxers are black..." he pulls those off, and you both go at it for a while, but then you're startled by your phone going off... You forgot you turned on your ringer when you go home, it's a missed call from your mother again she can see you read her messages and you are sure she is pissed that you aren't answering her but like Asher said just cause she's my mother doesn't mean I have to answer. I continue to read the messages you left off on Tom telling her you didn't pay for anything so you continue: 'I was beyond disappointed that you put him in jail but when he got out 3 days ago he told us the truth, he was abusive but only verbally ad he told us he went through your phone, but sweetheart is that really all that bad?" You begin to cry. You know your mother was wicked when it came to Tom, but she believes him now?! It's not even close to the full truth! Asher leans over the back of the couch and asks of everything is all right, you say yes but he know you well enough already he throws some actual clothes on and hugs you, you let go and pour yourself another cup of wine, "it's late we should eat something and go watch a movie maybe?" You agree and Asher insists on cooking so you let him while you read the last message: "I gave Tom your address for the diner he told me he was going to meet you, he told me the meeting went really well, besides the new guy being there, what's so special about him anyways? Tom loved you he wanted to start a family with you... I mean, unless you are out for the money with this new guy, it makes no sense... what ever happened to my little girl, I loved you then, now you've changed... I miss you" You are speechless your mother turned into a horrible monster but Asher was right about the things he said and I rather not ruin the little happiness in my life right now so I just respond with a simple: "Fuck you mother" then I block her. Asher looks at you and smiles he said you handled that well you smile back and ask him if the food is almost done and he replied yes, you thought it was gonna be like a 5 star meal he sounded so confident but he walks over with toast, cup o' noodles and a bottle of wine, "Dinner is served!" He  dances around you and places the food on the table, and for the first time, you can finally let go of the past...

A GUY NAMED ASHER *finished Where stories live. Discover now