Before We Go

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Since Asher brought you home from the road trip, you have been practically living at your house, and every moment is spent together, Asher and you actually were opening up with eachother and things were going great, but since the day he asked you to go to dinner and meet his parents you can't seem to give him all of your attention, you know they are great... see great, right? What if they dont like you? What if they hate you?! They definitely will think Asher is too good for you... what the hell, maybe you're wrong about all of this, they will love you, right?! These thoughts keep running through your mind so, you decide to bring it up to Asher "your parents are going to hate me, they will think I love you for your money, thay won't know any better, I mean i thought that this was going to be easy it is just dinner but-" Asher stops you "they will love you, trust me... I love you. If they can't accept who I'm in love with then we'll I guess that's on them" you smile as you go and get ready for work, dinner is tomorrow night so after your shift you head your way to the mall, you need an outfit for dinner, you want to look respectful... your usual outfits are short skirts and dresses mini tops and heel, fishnets and thigh high, very sultry you dress to match your flirtatious personality but it's not appropriate for tomorrow evening, you find a long flowy skirt, it comes right above the knee, no butt showing and only a little skin, with the top you want to just say fuck it and wear a tube top but you settle for a mid rise blouse, and then some tennis shoes, you head into the dressing room put on the outfit and take a picture you send it to Asher and say "modesty for your parents but in all honesty I look so ridiculous..." You sit in the room waiting for him to respond in hopes he would say it was good enough for his parents. When he responds its entirely different that what you expected "get just the skirt, dress it up how ever you like, I don't want you to look like that if you aren't comfortable, but I like the skirt... the cut is flattering on you." You smile and do exactly that. As you're leaving the store, you catch a man out of the corner of your eye... it's Tom, he notices you too so you frantically rush out of the mall and get outside, ypu think you lost him but there he is, he looks down and into your bag "I see you can dress normal and not like a slut for this new guy, but I guess it's cause he has money right. Hey baby, just so you know, I'll always take you back." You smile, straighten your back and say "Tom don't you have my mother you can hit on? You two are best friends anyway? Respectfully leave me alone, or there will be harassment charges for last week... I have proof, and the restaurant has footage, so don't think I won't bring you down." With that, you continue to walk away and speed out of the parking lot. When you get home, you tell Asher what happened. "You should have called me!" He says,"I handled it, " you say "Yeah I suppose, but if we had to release the footage, I would have also been charged with harassment and assault!" Asher gets up and walks out of your house before you can even say anything. Was he really mad that you defended yourself and didn't rely on him? You text him 'doors locked, keys under the Matt if you decide to stay tonight.' You shut off your phone and go to bed. You wake up at around 3:20 a.m. and hear your doorknob jiggling and then open, so you walk into the living room and Asher comes up to you "I'm sorry, not for what I said because what I said is how I felt, but I'm sorry I got angry with you, look if we would have actually done what you told Tom we would, I could be in serious trouble. I could lose everything I worked for, I would've been left with nothing, then what I go back to life when I was 15? I really couldn't do that. If you brought him to court, they would see what I did to him, and both me and Tom would have been at fault." Asher looks at you and walks away he knows you are hurt... "You wouldn't have lost everything." You say "yes I fucking would have, I'd have nothing, nothing!" You sit on your couch as he paces in the kitchen, "I would still be here,i guess that isn't something you would be worried about losing though. Goodnight asher..." You go to your bedroom and lock the door. You can here him walking around still but then nothing, you figured he must have layed down on the couch. The next morning you wake up to your room door being knocked on and your phone ringing, both are Asher so you get out of bed throw on your robe and unlock your door, "did you shower already? We have to get stuff for dinner, it's late... we have about two hours to cook and an hour drive!" You say no and take off your robe, as you walk away, Asher grabs your hand, "look I'm sorry about last night, and I thought about it... I rather lose everything and anything, but he thought of losing you never once occurred to me, I would have nothing but would still have you and you were absolutely right. I love you and I want you to know that." You take your hand away "I'm going to shower, love you." You pick up your robe and head into the bathroom... even though he assured you that you were his everything you just can't seem to forget what he said last night and how he acted out, why are we still doing this dinner when you don't even know what his true and honest feelings are? You finish up in the shower get ready then you both walk out of the house

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