The L Word

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"So..." You begin to say,"Is that last part true?" Asher looks ashamed and replies yes "you get up and then sit on his lap and placing his hands on your waist and you begin to rock a bit as you kiss his neck, you whisper "then show me" Asher definitely wanted to hear those words he lifts you and keeps pulling you closer to his chest he takes your hair down and pulls you in by your necklace the same way you did to him on your first date "feel familiar?" He asks, and you tease him."Not at all. I think I need a refresher..." he smirks takes off your top and says "you know I can't control myself around you right" you lay him down and start kissing him only stopping once to say "I know" you both keep going and things are getting hotter but you stop him to whisper " I love you too" with that information Asher is exhilarated he picks you us and carry you into the bathroom and continues the sexy rondavu you guys started in there the other night. Once all is done, you both shower Asher traces your body with his fingertips while you wash you hair and then he asks, " If you really love me, will you come meet my parents this weekend?" You don't answer for a bit, then say "of course" you two finish up in the shower and get into bed Asher turn on a slasher movie, he knows you are terrified of them so he holds you close as you watch and listen to his heartbeat, while the thought of him loving you and meeting his parents races through your mind...

A GUY NAMED ASHER *finished Where stories live. Discover now