Chapter 22: A Baseball Idiot being lost

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Sora was completely lost! Like, she didn't even recognize the area she was in. And she didn't have her phone with her. Of course at a time like this... The blue haired girl cursed and started wandering around aimlessly. Maybe she'd be lucky enough to find a bus stop or a train station. There weren't many people around as well, so she literally had not much of a choice as to keep walking.

She had been in the wellness center with her family when her mom had asked her to run a quick errand for her. Just buying some ingredients she'd need for dinner later. Without thinking much of it, Sora had happily agreed and since getting to the konbini was much easier with the bus instead of walking there, she had hopped on and thought she'd arrive there in no time. Sad to say since the young girl still didn't seem to know all her ways in Tokyo properly, it had been the wrong bus...

Long story short, instead of noticing she was lost right away when she had gotten off of the bus, Sora had walked around and wondered why she wasn't able to find the damn konbini and hence she had completely lost her way by now. She couldn't find back to her original bus stop where she had gotten off and she also had no idea where the heck she actually was in general, so that was that.

As a huge fence came in sight, the young girl could hear earsplitting, feral laughter along with loud smashes. She tilted her head with curiosity. That somehow sounded kinda familiar...

"I wanna blast it away!" a raspy voice shouted. "Nada-senpai, I'm gonna blow it out of the park!"


Sora blinked. Nada-senpai?! Didn't she hear that somewhere before?!

She quickened her pace a bit and soon noticed that she had arrived at the very back of a High School baseball practice field. It was almost empty, except for two male figures who seemed to be facing off against each other. One of them pitching, the other one batting. And then also the realization who those two were hit her hard. She had seen them on TV after all.

The two boys were Todoroki Raichi and Sanada Shunpei and this meant that this place had to be Yakushi High School. Sanada was their ace pitcher, while Todoroki was some hell of a crazy good batter with a monstrous swing for just a first year. Not that this new information actually helped the young girl in her current situation though.

A cold wind blew and swept her sky blue, long hair. Sora shivered. She was only wearing some black thermo-leggings and an oversized dark blue and white striped long-sleeved shirt, since she was dressed for the work inside of the wellness center. When her mom had asked her to go shopping for her, she had just thrown on her dark gray coat, had slipped into her black knee-length boots and left the building in an attempt to hurry up and be back in only a few minutes. How wrong she had been... Without a scarf, gloves and a warm winter cap or earmuffs it was certainly freezing cold in Tokyo in January.

Nevertheless, something about the two boys playing baseball with each other was captivating her. Despite being cold and lost, Sora stopped directly in front of the fence and watched as Sanada pitched ball after ball towards Todoroki who swung his bat at full speed. Every ball he made contact with, flew high and wide, even if it was a foul. There was an awful lot of homeruns he hit there, but the skills of the ace pitcher were the real deal as well. He sure knew how to get his job done properly! A very scary combo, the blue head thought. And Seidou would have to face them again for sure.

"Do we have a fan, princess?"


Sora flinched in surprise. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed that the black haired Sanada with his punky hairstyle had gotten closer and was now leaning against the fence with one arm. He let out a soft chuckle.

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