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Marching could be heard like war drums, passing the ridge of the mountain up ahead of them, the marching of their enemies.

Dream had been standing over a map looking at more possible vantage points to catch the Empires army by surprise and reached up to tighten the straps on his mask when one of the scouts came running into the tent, "General Dream Sir I have news of the western troops, Sir!" He said trying to calm his breathing after running for so long, "alright out with it what is it!" Dream all but yelled getting impatient as they had a war to fight and this man wasn't helping by not saying anything. " The western troops have been annihilated Sir!" That news shocked Dream and he stared at the scout "and what of the enemy?" He said, giving the man a heated glare, "the enemy's troops of the western border are more than half dead and the rest wounded from what info we could gather" the scout said, getting sheepish at the end.

"Well done soldier, go take a rest, get some water, don't need you passing out before you could come of, use" Dream dismissed him with a wave of his hand and sighed "how am I going to get us out of here alive?"
Dream straightened himself out popped his back and headed out of the tent and to the Army Admirals tent. "Admiral Quakity sir, the scout has come back with news of the western border" Dream said sliding into the tent going to stand behind the chair that the Admiral was currently occupying. "Oh Dream, what a pleasure it is that you came in here, so what news do you got for me!" Quakity said as he rose from his seat and turned to Dream with a wicked smile, "As I had said the scout came back from the western border with news of all our western troops have been annihilated, and that the enemy had more then half dead and the rest severely wounded.

With the way this war is going the outcome could be a 50/50 shot at either side winning" Dream said glaring at Quakity behind the mask as he had come into his personal space and started to caress his neck leaning in. "Oh Is that all, I was hoping for something a little more exciting, say Dream why don't we have a little fun shall we?" He said with a suggestive tone to his voice, "His Majesty King J. Schlatt wouldn't like that very much Sir, and neither would your Husband '' Dream said while looking forward with a blank stare not giving Quakity the satisfaction of a reaction.

"Dream why do you always take everything so seriously, I was only joking. And besides everyone who's in their right mind already knows how much of a slut you are and to whom you belong to" He said venom in his tone, "hm '' was all Dream said before walking out the tent.

After weeks of work and dedication, loss and the bloodshed of friends and comrades. The Greater Essempi had gotten the enemy to retreat back to their land, even if it is a temporary victory it is still a victory no less. The cheering of the men who are still alive could be heard loud and clear as they headed straight back to the capital to tell the news of their victory.

Dream marched into the throne room and halted before the king "Father we won the battle, we drove back the enemy into retreating back to their lands" he said while looking the king in the eyes, "I heard, I'm very proud of you son, you won our nation a victory today and with that I say we throw a ball" the king said as he grinned, "a masquerade ball to be exact, silver and gold decorations, doesn't that sound wonderful?" He said giving Dream a glare "yes father" Dream said as he watched the king snap his fingers, and a servant came up to his side and was being whispered something that Dream couldn't hear, the servant nodded quickly and sped off to go do his task as ordered.

"Come" and with that order Dream followed his father down the long corridors and to his chambers they, after Dream had gotten inside the door was slammed shut and locked he stood still not wanting to anger his father. "Oh Dream piss off it's not like I'm going to hit you, fucking pussy" Schlatt had barked out with a laugh, "Now for this ball I got you a little present that you are going to love" he walked over to the wardrobe pulling the doors open and bringing out a dress and a new mask.

"Now before you try it on go wash up, I don't want your shit smell tainting it before the your big night" he sighed deciding to ignore when his father said 'Your', as he shed of his clothes and went to the washroom he started the bath put the oils in and slid in. He cupped water into his hands and splashed it onto his face running his hands over like he was trying to rid himself of his exhaustion, after a while he got out of the bath and walked back into the bedroom, just like before he didn't bat an eye at his own nudeness. "Ah fucking finally I thought you where having yourself a wank in there from how long you where taking" schlatt said as he shoved the dress into Dreams hands "Now put it on" he said and went to sit on the bed.

Dream slid into the dress without any trouble, it really was a beautiful dress it was short backless and flowy with slits on the side just as the one from before, made from gold metal that when the light hit it just right it looked like mesh as it was see through the gold complimenting his sun kissed skin, Dream grabbed the new mask putting it on his face as he had placed his other on a nearby table. The mask itself was made of a black material with plated gold woven upward into the shape of horns with two tassels hanging on the side, the mask left his lower half of his face visible with a silk ribbon to tie it in the back, along with gold arm, wrist and ankle bangles with a snake choker, Gold and emerald snake earrings. "It's beautiful, but might I ask, is your goal to get me to wear as little as possible?" At that Schlatt barked out another laugh coming up behind Dream and smacking his ass "Now that would be considered talking back but it was funny so I will let it slide, but as for the answer my dear I think you already know that well enough" he sighed at the end and let his hands roam Dreams legs as he mouthed at Dreams neck.

His hands roamed upwards pushing the dress up along with them "I don't want you wearing anything underneath this when it comes time for the ball you hear me, if you do then there will be hell to pay. I want to be able to see everything I want to see you"
Schlatt said as he pulled away from Dreams neck "and none of those fucking stilts you call shoes your already freakishly tall we don't need you freaking people out" he pushed  Dream onto the nearest  object which was one of the many tables the front of his hips colliding with the side of it. "Now doll why don't we stop playing Dress up and have some fun, shall we?" Schlatt pushed up against him but before he could go any farther there was a knock on the door.

"Just a second!" Schlatt yelled, but the knocks came again "I said just a fucking second!" He growled out and pushed away from Dream "Answer the damn door!" He pointed towards the door and Dream quickly went to open it ignoring how he looked. When he pulled open the door the Royal Tailor Eret was on the other side "oh so it does fit? And my, don't you look good in it!" Eret said excitedly, "Your majesty I just came here to confirm the theme and colors for the ball" Eret has said while lightly shoving past Dream muttering an apology along the way. "Yes yes It's masquerade themed you the fucking masks and shit, and colors are silver and gold" Schlatt said severely annoyed that he was interrupted "ah my apologies for bothering you your majesty" Eret bowed and began to leave when Schlatt stopped him "Wait I want one of those invitations to be sent to the Antarctic Empire, show those fucking losers who won" he let out a laugh, "Yes sir, right away" Eret said and left shutting the door behind him.

"I'm not in the mood anymore, take that off, don't want you to ruin it before the ball" Schlatt said as he left the room. "Fuck" Dream sighed as he could finally relax he threw the dress, the all the accessories and the mask off, got back into his clothes and headed straight for his personal chambers that are thankfully far away from the kings own. When he got inside he kicked the door closed and flopped down onto his bed "this is a fucking nightmare" he groaned then decided he deserved some sleep.

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