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Hours flew by where all he had done was sit in his room waiting for a castle staff to come get him as he guessed the Emperors had last minute things to take care of. He heard a knock on the door and walked out closing it behind him and was led to the outside of the palace? He thought they were holding it in the throne room, he was confused but decided not to question the decision on the Emperor's as he was led to their side as they stood at the top of the steps leading to the court year of the castle. "Today marks another year that the Empire has stood tall and prosperous around other nations, and today also marks mine, Techno, and Wilbur's Wedding Anniversary!" He heard Phil pause as everyone started clapping and cheering and Wilbur gave a small wave to the crowd and Techno just nodded. "And today also marks the first public announcement about our new guest, Dream" he heard the crowd go quiet and look at him and start whispering he started to pull at the gold collar as it began to feel constricting, "He is by law a concubine, but he is to be treated with the utmost respect. The same amounts that you gave both Emperor Wilbur, and Emperor Technoblade, when they first got here. Now that we are past all this boring shit Onto the Solstice!" He laughed as Phil finished his speech and everyone cheered as the courtyard lit up in loud noises and laughter and chatter.

"Hey mate, are you warm enough?" Phil said as he came to stand by Dream's side, "oh yes your majesty I'm warm enough thank you for your concern though" he bowed his head a little and saw that Phil frowned at his little display of formality. "Hey Dream, why don't we go have a dance!" Wilbur piped up grabbing his hand and dragging him away and to the floor, "uh Wilbur I'm not good at this I haven't danced in years!" He quickly kept himself from falling as they came to a stop but ended up crashing into Wilbur's back "but you went to Balls and parties, what were you doing that whole time?" Wilbur said, he gave Wilbur a knowing look like he was stupid "Wilbur you forget I was a sex slave even before I came to the empire I wasn't really allowed to 'have fun'" he said mouth drawing up into a thin line which turned to a scowl as Wilbur chuckled nervously and rubbed his neck "oh yea, uh sorry about that" Wilbur said sheepishly.

He waved him off "it's fine" and then turned to walk away from him but was pulled back towards him crushing into his chest with a huff "That didn't mean you could skip out on this dance though" Wilbur said with a laugh as he stuck his tongue out at him childishly. He held one hand in Wilburs and his other around Wilburs shoulder as the other man's was on his waist pulling him close and swaying to the music a little, on the sidelines he could see Niki and Puffy laughing as Niki wiped Puffy's face, and Eret and Fundy were dancing on the other side of the court yard, Tubbo and Ranboo were chasing after Tommy as he ran off with someone's Hat.

He sighed and was pulled away and spun, he laughed as he was pulled back in and dunked and brought back up giving him whiplash. "Did you really have to be the centerpiece when you were brought here?" He asked as the music started to get slower and come to a stop. "Yes I did, but the clothes I wore weren't as nice as yours they could barely classify as clothes'' Wilbur said with a laugh as they bowed and Wilbur walked off and the guards came forward and lead him to the center and chained his ankles and wrists and connected a chain to the back of his collar, he sighed as they walked away he was finally left alone well to a point that is. He felt many eyes on him but he ignored them as Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo came towards him "Sup Big D'' Tommy yelled as they got closer he waved at them with a smile and tightened the cloth around his eyes "Hey Tommy" he said as Tubbo and Ranboo were pushed to the side as a random guest came forward to look at him, "uh hey man you kind of pushed my husbands there" Tommy said glaring at the stranger "ok so?" The person said not even looking at Tommy.

"If you are gonna be rude then you are allowed to look but not touch" he said with a threatening smile as the man pulled back his hand from touching him scowling at him with a glare "Who would want to bitch, all this because of a couple of Teenagers? You're more interested in the young youthful type huh!" The guy yelled as he walked off, he started laughing and Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo joined in. "We are like creep prevention" Tubbo said between laughing, "Dream protection squad" Ranboo said with a nod "Yes! The D.P.S!" Tommy yelled as he pumped his fists in the air, he looked up and saw Wilbur, Techno and Phil looking at them he blushed and gave a small wave and saw the Emperors waved back at him as he looked back at the Teenagers. "How long is this party gonna last?" He asked looking at Ranboo, the boy shrugged his shoulders ''I don't really know I've never been to one of these before'' he sighed and someone came up behind him and place a hand on his back making him yelp, "Motherfucker!" He yelled as he turned and saw Niki laughing and Puffy giving him a death glare which he flipped her off for. "Fucker" Puffy said, "Bitch" he mumbled and they went back and forth with insults until the Emperors came down towards them and Techno placed a hand on Dream's lower back trying to get his attention, "Hm?" He hummed and turned seeing the 3 people he had barely spoken to that night well all except Wilbur that is. "Yes your majestys'' he said, "have you enjoyed the party so far Dream" Phil said as he looked around the courtyard at all the guests then back at Dream, "Yes your majesty I have" he said with a monotone voice and truth be told he wasn't having fun at all he was watching everyone else dance and have fun while he was stuck in place, he wanted to dance like him and Wilbur had at the beginning of the party "ahem Dream would you like to dance with me?" Techno asked motioning guards to come unchain him.

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