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Weeks had passed since the Ball, people weren't speaking about it anymore but that doesn't mean that they forgot, currently Dream was once again on the front lines in another campaign against the Antarctic Empire as they had broken off the truce Three weeks prior.

They had retreated back to their camp only an hour ago and he was glaring at the map that had been pinned to the table in front of him as the other higher ups had a screaming match on what to do. He sighed and brought his hand up to push his sweat soaked hair back with a low groan of irritation "What do we know so far?" He looked at the others with a glare but all they had done at that was look at each other and then go back to their screaming match.

"Ok enough with the fucking pissing contest, ladies you are all beautiful so shut the fuck up!" He yelled making them shut their mouths in shock. "We could just send a letter to King Schlatt asking him to just hand you over as a consolation method for the kingdoms safety?" He looked at who said that and lo and behold to no one's surprise it was Quakity. "But I fear that he would miss his slut to much to actually function" Quakity said earning laughs from the others "alright if all we are going to do is talk about who owns my ass then y'all can be occupying my time with better things like actually helping coming up with a plan of retaliation, we are losing, don't you jackasses see that?!" He yelled as he marched over to pull the tents opening a little wider where the muffled screams and cursing could be heard better.

"You hear this, this is what we are dealing with at the moment, we won last time but that doesn't mean that we will win this time we are getting our asses kicked so if any of you want to kindly give a good idea on how to win this war then please share with the fucking class!" The threw the tent closed and went back to the table, everyone was still quiet no one had even looked up but Quakity looked like he wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut, someone rushed through the opening and quickly shoved a letter into his hands and rushed off.
"Alright then, try and find a way out of this I'm heading back to the capital Schlatt requested my presence." He started to the opening "Yeah rush off to your fucking booty call why don't ya, fucking whore" he turned around and saw Quakity side eyeing him but he brushed off the words and left.

After a while of riding he finally made it to the capital and hopped off his horse, handing it to one of the servants standing by, striding up the stairs he pushed through the doors and went to the throne room.
"Ah Dream, finally you're here," Schlatt said, he looked around the room, seeing that they were the only ones in the room. "Sir?" He said as he walked forward.
"Dream, I'm stopping this war. I sent a letter to the Empire about a week ago, asking for a Boon. I ordered you back here to tell you that I told the soldiers to put up the white flags. I chose to do what is best for my kingdom."

He was speechless he didn't know what to say so he just stared at his father, "The Empires Emperors will be here to talk through the conditions of the surrender, the other generals have been called back to the Capital as well for the meeting" he finally shook off the shock and grit his teeth, he was pissed "I thought you wanted what was best for this kingdom, but instead you choose to be a fucking coward, you choose to Raise the flags you choose to bend to the Empires whims!"
He tore his mask off his face and threw it across the room shattering the porcelain.
Schlatt glared at him standing from his throne marching over to where Dream stood and roughly grabbed his face shaking him as he spoke. "This war, doesn't matter if it was with L'Manburg, Hypixel, or the Fucking Empire it's self now has been going on for longer than you have been alive! So don't tell me that I'm a fucking coward cause you know what I see in front of me right now? I see a Bitch who doesn't know his place, I see a bed warmer who hasn't been fucked enough to learn when to speak and what to keep is mouth shut! If you want to talk so goddamned badly then how about you speak in moans huh!?" Schlatt yelled as he tightened his grip on Dream's face pulling him closer.

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and Despair! (Uncensored)🔞Where stories live. Discover now