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When he woke up he noticed that he once again was alone, he frowned. He also noticed that he still had his mask on and groaned as he could feel the soreness seeping into the bridge of his nose and back of his ears. "Stupid mask" he said as he pulled himself out of the pit, he noticed a pile of clothes set on his bed so he walked over and saw that it was the clothes for the Solstice Ball, he sighed and went to one of the draws and grabbed some clothes and throwing them on leaving the room.

He made his way to the dining hall and sat in his normal seat not caring that his hair was all over the place as he hadn't been bothered to fix it. "Morning Dream" Phil said as he walked into the room sitting in his chair "How'd you sleep?" Wilbur asked with a smirk on his face "Ok I guess, Eret came into my room last night but I woke up alone so that's not an ideal way to wake up" he said not thinking of how that had sounded especially since his neck and shoulders were covered in marks "He what?" Wilbur asked smirk, falling into a strained smile, "He slept with me last night, didn't I just say that? Are you losing your hearing?" He asked, confused.
Phil motioned for one of the servers to go get Eret and they left to do as ordered, until Eret was being walked into the room and a chair pulled out for him. "So Eret I hear you had an eventful night, is that right?" Phil said smirking while Wilbur glared at the man "Yea you could say that, had to listen to this one Cry and scream for most of it though" Eret chuckled while pointing at him "Hey I wasn't that loud, I didn't wake the whole castle so you gotta give me that!" He said with a raised voice and the tips of his ears turning red. "Nice marks" Eret said looking at his neck as he hadn't Noticed them last night because the room was dark, "and you really should go to sleep with some clothes on Dream you forgot to put them on last night" Eret said as a concerned look washed over his face.

"Ok that's it! How fucking dare you Eret you are married to my fucking son!" Wilbur yelled as he slammed his fists on the table. Eret looked at him in confusion then back at Wilbur "What are you talking about? all I did was sleep with Dream no harm done!" Eret said in confusion. The yelling continued until Techno walked into the room "Why the hell are you guys yelling!" He said really loudly to get their attention, he quickly turned his head away not wanting to look at Techno and Techno doing the same both not seeing the confused look that Phil gave them. "Eret fucked Dream!" Wilbur yelled point accusedly at Eret "Woah hold up no I didn't!" Eret said, holding his hands up "What did you tell them, Dream!" They looked at him, he shrugged "I told them that you slept with me last night, same thing you told them" he said resting his cheek against the palm of his hand.

"Oh my god all of you are idiots" Techno said with a loud groan, "Eret didn't fuck Dream, all he had done was sleep in his room" Techno shook his head at the look of annoyance and amusement that washed over Phil and Wilbur's faces. "Ok so if all he did was 'Sleep' in there then why does Dream have bites and hickeys all over his neck!" Wilbur yelled with a glare and pointed at him, he looked over at Techno and smirked even though they couldn't see it "Yea Techno why do I have Hickeys and Bits hm?" He said in amusement a look of realization went over Phil's face and looked shocked and wide eyed over at Techno. "Mate you didn't!" Phil said, "Did what!" Wilbur asked still not really catching on, "Techno is the one responsible for those marks Wilbur" Eret said and Wilbur looked over at him and he only nodded then Wilbur looked at Techno seeing him with a bright red face, "Wait, then why did you mean about the screaming and crying Eret?" Wilbur asked, turning to Eret.

"Ah, that well when I walked into Dream's room he was yelling something about not having the right and started to cry" Eret said looking over at him, he looked down at his lap "Dream I thought we talked about that last night, I apologized" Techno said coming to take the seat next to him "And I told you that you didn't have the right to fucking apologize, it is my job to do those things. I have been told many times over my life that I was born to do those things, that I was made for it and now look what they said has come true" he said through gritted teeth and everyone at that table gave him sympathetic looks. He couldn't take it so he left the dining hall not caring if he was rude, he went to the entrance of the palace and outside contemplating on whether to try running or not, "Oh hello Dream" he heard a familiar voice say and he turned to look and see that it was Ranboo and behind him was Tubbo, Tommy and Niki. "Hello" he said in a monotone voice, "Dream I thought you would be getting ready for the ball?" Niki said as she finally saw him and came forward and sat next to him. He looked at her and then realized that tonight was the Solstice ball I mean kinda made more sense of why his clothes were on the bed. "Oh" is all he said before scratching his neck, "Oh I have an idea why don't we all get ready for it in Dream's room!" Tubbo said in excitement "We can even drag Eret into getting ready with us we could hijack the Emperor's bathroom" Tommy said bouncing on his feet, he laughed at the idea and nodded.

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