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He had been called into the throne room before dinner. He didn't know why but if he had to guess then he would've thought that he was in trouble earlier, even though it technically wasn't his fault entirely. Walking to the throne room he noticed that there was no sign of maids, butlers, knights , anyone in general, no one was in the halls. Was this a test? Are they testing him to see if he'll run
"What kind of shit are they trying to pull now?" He mumbled to himself he continued walking to the throne room and when he got to the doors he could hear people yelling.

"Why are we here", "We have jobs to do your majesty's", "Some of us having dinner to prepare", so on and so forth was what was being yelled. He pushed the doors open sliding into the room letting the door close behind him, a hand grabbed the back of the gold collar pushing him forward towards the thrones and pushed down to kneel between Techno and Wilbur's Thrones. "Here he is your majesty" he heard a woman's voice as she took a chain from behind one of the thrones clipping it to the collar and then left to stand against the wall, he turned to look back at her she had half white half brown hair, she wore dark glasses and a General Commanders uniform. "Yes thank you Puffy" Phil said I'm acknowledgment he stood up gaining the attention of the people in the room and making it go quiet "Alright y'all might be wondering why your all in here, we have had this talk twice before many years ago but since most of you are new I will say this all again for you" He said as he turned to look back at him and smiled and turned back around to the crowd.

"You see this man?" phil yelled making sure everyone could hear, he felt the chain being pulled on as he was yanked upward closer to the people "This man is to be respected, he is to not even under any circumstances be touched without permission, he's not to be human handled and if any of you have or are going to try in the future I will found out. I'm giving him free reign of the castle and to do as he pleases, well all except runaway, if any of you disobey these rules he is free to deal with you as he sees fit!" Phil yelled glaring at the castle staff who nodded until one soldier went to stand only to be yanked down by what looks to be their friend. Phil's wings flared out "Do you understand" he heard him say with venom in his voice the room stayed silent "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Phil yelled, making him flinch the room erupted with 'Yes your majesty', he didn't understand where all this was coming from he looked between Wilbur and Techno to see them looking satisfied.

"Why" he mumbled looking at the ground clenching his fists, "What mate?" Phil said as he had turned to face him "Why are you guys doing this" he said and the image of a cloak and shoes came into his field of vision and a hand came up to lift his face. "Again what do you mean?" Phil said to him looking confused "I mean no disrespect your majesty but could you please not touch me" he spat as he gripped his wrist and moved it from his face, "and what I mean is why are you doing this, I shouldn't have a say in what happens to people. And what they do to mean is none of your concern because as far as I'm aware I'm still classified as a slave, a concubine, someone to be used. So if I may your majesty's if you have a request to fuck or want me to suck you guys off then I don't see where your concern is coming from I promise I won't let people hurt me to bad." He said as he looked at Wilbur and Techno again.

"What the fuck" Wilbur said with a look of disgust on his face and he didn't know where it was coming from he was only speaking the truth, they hadn't needed to worry about any of the staff hearing any of this as they had ran off back to their posts after being yelled at. He looked at Phil and saw nothing but hurt in his eyes "Mate why are you saying this, we won't let anyone touch you and we won't do that without your consent. I said you where free to do as you please your not a slave Dream" Phil said as he reached his hand out again before remembering not to touch him and a look of pain shot through Phil's face and his wings pulled closer to his body. "Because your majesty what I had said was facts nothing less than. I know my place, I may have once upon a time been a prince of a kingdom but not anymore" he said and he could hear Techno growl a little from where he sat. "Now if one of you could please unlock this chain" he said as he looked between the three, they finally remembered about the chain and scrambled to unlock it and when he heard the click and rattling of the chains he walked off without another word  heading towards his room.

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and Despair! (Uncensored)🔞Where stories live. Discover now