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The last few weeks after his breakdown were calm and slow, they had all decided to not speak of that evening until he was ready. He didn't know when that would be but he wondered if he should speak about it but he was hesitant, he had already somewhat spoken about it but he didn't go into complete detail. He hasn't even spoke about his past at Essempi, so at this very moment he was wringing his hands together outside the emperor's bedroom, it was late and they had dinner about an hour prior, he was running through what he was going to say in his head continuously lifting his fist to knock but bringing it back down seconds later pacing in the hall.

He took a deep breath and finally marched up to the door knocking loudly hearing footsteps come to the door seeing that it's opened by Phil, Phil smiled and he nodded brushing past him not saying a word, walking into the room hearing the door close behind him as he went and sat on the edge of the bed looking down at his hands. "I know this talk is very much long overdue, and I'm sorry that it has taken me this long to trust you guys and get to a point where I can speak of this," he said, sighing as he slipped his mask off placing it beside him.

The three in the room didn't say anything but they just came and sat down next to him, hands rubbing his back and arms ''as you know I grew up in the Essempi and Schlatt as my father, he was a cruel cruel man and my mother had died during childbirth she was a beautiful woman named Maryann, from what little I had been told was that she had loved me from the beginning." He said with a sad smile on his face remembering how people told him small stories of his mother, "Schlatt growing up wasn't the nicest, I don't blame him he had lost his wife because of a child he didn't even want. By the age of six he had begun the worst treatment he could possibly bestow upon me, when I would get into trouble I would be whipped, slapped, humiliated and shamed. I would be locked out of my chambers, left to walk and sleep in the halls in nothing but my mask, that treatment would go on for weeks, possibly months depending on how bad my punishment was." He looked to the sides seeing the three have disgusted looks on their faces while Phil looked like he was debating whether to ask Lady Death to revive Schlatt just so they could kill him themselves, and that made him laugh and pat Phil on the knee shaking his head.

"By the time I was seven I had already had my virginity taken, it was by a noblemen who didn't know not to touch what belonged to Schlatt, the man was tortured when Schlatt found out. His anger wasn't out of love or protectiveness it was out of pure blown hatred because that man took the one thing Schlatt wanted to take for himself, my innocence. But by the time I was eight I had both dignity and modesty beating and fucked out of me that when asked because either Schlatt was bored and wanted entertainment or as punishment I would walk the halls bare or wear things that couldn't be classified as clothes. Or he would fuck me infront of people at meeting or have me changed in the town square as a personal cum dump for the citizens. That was when I had caught eyes of someone named George, we used to be friends then we fell in love but Schlatt had found out and had him married off to a guard named Sapnap and forced George to watch as Sapnap tortured and fucked me until I couldn't walk or speak." He took a deep breath and exhaled as he tried not to remember.

Wilbur made a noise like he wanted to interrupt but Techno covered his mouth and glared, then turned back around to Dream and started kissing his neck. He ignored the affection moaning slightly "when I was around twelve I started to lend out to soldiers who were on sights in the middle of wars, and during that time I Was locked in a cage, practically like a dog. And when I got by from being at the camps I would have to entertain Schlatt or have 'Father Son Time' from what he called it, and for the next six years the same routine happened I would get fucked, tortured, lend out and so on until I was seventeen when I saw Wilbur for the first time" He paused himself and looked at Wilbur smiling brightly pulling away from the neck kissed leaning over and kissing Wilbur deeply then pulling away.

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