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Phil, Techno and Wilbur were standing on their balcony watching as their armies wounded and living marched into the kingdom's walls, Phil slammed his fists on the wall, his wings flaring in disappointment and anger. "What the hell happened out there, Less than half the people that were sent came back and not all of them can walk!" Phil shouted as he was heading towards their bedroom door making his way to the courtroom, as he made it into the room he went straight to his throne, and sat there glaring down at the Lords and Nobles sitting at the table while his lovers went to sit in their own thrones.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry we failed you in this crusade but we will try better next time" a wounded soldier had said as he burst through the doors limping towards the front of the room. "What is your name, soldier?" Phil asked as Wilbur ordered one of the servants to get the man a chair.
"My name is Ranboo your highness"
Phil shook his head in acknowledgement to having heard "Ranboo would you be so kind as to tell me what happened out there?"
He said as straightened himself in his throne.

"It was a massacre your Highness, they came out of nowhere, a man with a white mask and glowing axe, he was like an unstoppable force" Ranboo said chill running through his body trying to stay as calm as possible,"Wait did you say white masks did it happen to have what seemed to be a smiley face on it?" Wilbur said as he realized he was possibly talking about Dream.
"Yes your highness, it did" Ranboo ducked his head ready to be yelled at but nothing came he looked back up and saw the three emperors having a silent discussion. "Thank you for telling us Ranboo, you may go now" Techno had said looking over at the confused boy, Ranboo stood up, bowed and limped to the door and out of the palace.

"He was talking about Dream wasn't he?" Phil sighed as he dragged a hand down his face, things were getting a lot more complicated. "I think so, the Mask was described just like the one he always wore, so it's more than likely him" Wilbur said as he placed his hand on Phil's shoulder. Techno stood from his throne "We can either mope like we are doing right now or we can figure out a plan, we still don't know why lady death wants us to get dream, but right now that doesn't matter because we have no plan" Techno said as he started pacing the room, but the doors to the courtroom where suddenly thrown open by a breathless blonde haired blue eyed boy named Tommy, "Yo Toms why such a hurry, you alright?" Wilbur said as he got up from his throne and rushed over checking to see if the kid was alright.

"Ye totally big man, my other husband came home today, albeit limping but still in a great bill of health, oh I almost forgot this is for you three is was sent from the Greater Essempi, anyways I gotta go bye your highnesses'' Tommy yelled at he ran out the door. Wilbur looked down opening the envelope and pulling out an invitation "I King J. Schlatt the ruler of the Greater Essempi would like to ask for a truce so as to formally invite you to our Masquerade Ball celebrating our win, it will be held in 3 days starting at sunset and ending at sunrise. With all good intentions your friend King J. Schlatt" Wilbur read the invitation out loud, and looked to his lovers ''So what are we going to do?" He said, folding the paper into his pocket, "Isn't it obvious we are going to the Ball?" Techno said he was getting ready to leave the room.

"Why, I thought they were our enemies!" Wilbur yelled in confusion, "Because Wilbur this would be a great chance to see what Dream looks like so that we know who to kidnap , I mean save from god knows what.!" Phil had said, Wilbur hummed in thought for a second, "What if we give schlatt an ultimatum, send him a letter back saying we will come to the ball but he has to choose his kingdom or his son" He said after a while to Phil and Techno's surprise, "but what happens if he chooses his kingdom over Dream?" Phil had a weary look on his face, "if that does happen then we bring Dream home, lady death has already basically implied that he belongs here" Wilbur said looking at Phil.

"Well she hasn't said that exactly, all she did was give me his name mate" Phil had said looking unsure "Well she basically implied it, she gave you a fucking Dream about it if you can't see how that screams Dream is ours then I don't know what does Phil" Wilbur said giving Phil a stern look.

"but what if he chooses Dream over his kingdom that will be a whole other mess that would have to be dealt with." Techno Grumbled out, Phil looked like he finally came to some kind of conclusion "no matter what that bastard chooses, we will be bringing Dream home, Wil is right he is practically already ours" he said then looked to Wilbur "Wil I need you to write that letter and have it ready to be sent out within the hour" Phil leaned into Wilburs face and kissed his lips, doing the same to Techno and walking away. "I'm gonna go train, and Phil is probably heading out for a flight" Techno kissed his lips as well and left.

"Well shit, why did I get stuck with the job of writing the letter" Wilbur said as he was left alone standing in the courtroom by himself
"It was your idea, your highness" Said a servant who was standing off to the side, "oh shove off" Wilbur groaned as he stormed out of the room and went to his study.

'Dear King J. Schlatt,
We the Emperor's Philza Minecraft, Technoblade, and WilburSoot of the Antarctic Empire formally accept your invitation to your masquerade ball, but in the midst to the ending of this war you will have to choose your son, or your kingdom.

We wait in anticipation for your answer
Sincerely, The Antarctic Empire.'

Wilbur groaned as he dropped his quill, he never really liked actual pens that much he loved using feathered quills, he stood up stretched gaining a satisfying pop from sore joints. Folded the letter and sealed it with wax with the Antarctic Empires crest, "about damn time I'm finished bloody hell, how much paper did I even go through'' he looked at the floor at a small pile of crumpled up paper balls, "yup I'm going to ignore that" he said cheerfully and marched out of the study. It had been little more than an hour when he had finally finished the letter and handed it off to the first servant he seen "will you take this and have it sent to the Greater Essempi it's for the King'' he said as he watched the servant nod and run off to complete their task.

"You really are something special Dream, if we are going through this much trouble trying to obtain you." Wilbur said to himself and looked out the nearest window, it had started to snow at one point nothing really new but it was heavier than normal.
"A storms coming" he heard behind him as he turned around and saw Phil, "hm" making a sound in acknowledgment he looked back to the window "Phil, at what cost will you go to have Dream?" He sighed, placing his hands on the window seal. "Where did this come from, it was your idea for the ultimatum mate, you were excited earlier what happened?" Phil said quickly coming to his side and cupping his cheek to turn his head towards him "nothing happened it's just, you already have me and Techno what more could you ask for?".

"Wilbur, yes I may already have you and Techno but Dream needs us, we may not have known about him for that long but he needs us, Lady death wouldn't have suggested otherwise. But just know I'm not in anyway shape of form replacing you or Techno, once he is here he will be considered war collateral, and you know how that feels Wil you and Techno both do" after Phil was done speaking he kissed Wilburs forehead, "I'm going to the room you should head there as well soon" he said and walked off leaving Wilbur alone again.

"Damn it!" He yelled and punched the wall gaining a bruised knuckle, he cradled his hand for a second and walked off towards the room deciding that he was done with today's shit and wanted some rest.
Once inside the room he found Techno propped up against the headboard with his glasses on reading a book and Phil could be heard rummaging around in the nest room, he walked over and draped himself on top of Techno's lap shoving his face into his lover's stomach.
Long gentle fingers carded through his hair, and a gentle silence waved in the room, as nothing was said, nothing had to be said to know that they should enjoy this while it lasted, he yawned and fell asleep with the warm feeling of hands in hair.

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and Despair! (Uncensored)🔞Where stories live. Discover now