2. Love At First Sight - Charles Xavier

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Requested by CatLover_3695

(Inspired by Heart Attack by Demi Lovato - I put my phone on shuffle and tried to write based on the first song that played - this song isn't my usual music taste lol)

Please feel free to request a scenario in the comments!!

Italics means telepathic communication

Alone in the bar again like usual. You'd fallen out with your parents once again. They were desperate for you to find someone and have a family. "Not cuz they care about me" you thought. "They just want kids in their life again, then they'll encourage me and said partner to go out so they can have time with MY child, yeah, no thanks!" You believed that love was dead anyway. Now all you could do was drink your sorrows away. Alone time was the best time. You'd been let down so many times by partners that you may as well give up. Your walls were up and you never planned to take them down. You would purposely turn people away from you by acting different from the way society expects you to behave. "This is the life" you thought as you downed another drink. You didn't expect to be disturbed.

"That's a mutation, you know?" You turned around suddenly to see a young man stood over you. He wasn't tall, but he wasn't particularly short either. He had short brown hair and his eyes were such a brilliant blue you almost needed to look away.

"Excuse me?" You asked as his strange words filled your head.

"Your (h/c) hair, it's a genetic mutation," he gently reached out for a strand and admired it. "And a very groovy mutation indeed!" He stated as he let the strand drop into your face. You pulled it back.

"How's that pick-up line going for you?" You ask sarcastically, attempting to make it clear that you're not interested.

"Well, I'll tell you in the morning," he said with a slight seductive tone in his voice. This threw you off guard. No! You couldn't be thrown off! Never! You tried to push the feeling down the whole time you spent together. You both shared a couple of drinks together and learnt a bit about each other. His name was Charles Xavier and he was studying genetic mutation (hence the pick-up line). You told him about your family and your parent's desires for your future and no matter how hard you pushed... the feelings kept bubbling up inside.

"Anyway... that's why I'm here so often..." you sigh. You didn't understand these feelings and why you were opening up to a stranger.

"Understandable, the bar is indeed one of the best places to go," he broke eye contact with you and started to look around. "The thing about bars is that you can go anytime... joy, sorrow, you name it," he turned back to you. He had such a way with words that made your heart flutter. A long while later, you both called it a night and hoped to see each other again.

You had met up many nights after that. Always talking and sharing drinks. Always pushing away the same feelings as the first night you met. Charles always seemed to know exactly what conversation topics interested you. It was crazy.

You had been meeting for a few weeks and we're about to call it a night once more when Charles stopped you.

"Perhaps... I could walk you home this time? The winter nights are extremely dark,"

"That's true... yes, I'd like that," you began walking side by side along the brightly lit streets. Your hands brushed as you walked and you quickly placed yours in your pockets. Charles seemed a bit more nervous than normal. He was uncharacteristically quiet and he kept letting out long, shaky, exhales. He suddenly came in front of you and stopped.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something!" He blurted out. You were taken aback.

"Oh, ok, shoot!" You prompted. He let out another exhale and placed two fingers to his temple. Suddenly, you heard his voice... but his lips weren't moving and the voice was in your head.

"Ok... technically I have two things to tell you..." he struggled to keep eye contact as he spoke. "As you can probably tell... I'm a mutant... a telepath to be precise,"

"That's incredible," You whispered out loud in complete awe. He smiled softly and took his fingers away from his temple. He glanced towards your hands which were still in your pockets then shifted his gaze towards your lips.

"It is, isn't it?" You noticed where his glance had fell and panicked. You weren't sure if you were ready to accept your feelings. You felt a cold sweat on your forehead.

"Umm, so... uh... what else did you want to tell me?" You asked nervously.

"Well... let's put it this way..." he took a couple of steps closer to you. "My powers aren't the only incredible thing I have right now..." you both shuffled nervously where you stood. You gazed into his brilliant blue eyes and thought for a moment. You thought about how loved and safe you felt when you were around Charles. If anything, he had become your best friend... but you could be more. Surely you could be more. He was better than any partner you had ever had.

"What else do you have?" You began to move closer as well. At this point your noses were basically touching. You both leant slightly further in and before you knew it, your lips were touching. His lips were so hot against yours. They felt secure and filled you with comfort. You separated for a second before Charles placed one hand on your face and another around your waist and pulled you in again. You threw your arms around his shoulders as you kissed him back. You didn't want to stop. You never wanted to stop. You separated again and made eye contact.

"You," he whispered in your ear. "I have you... and you are incredible,"

"I love you," you admitted carelessly.

"I love you too," Charles responded and you pulled each other back in once more. It was then that you knew that you had finally found the one, and that this was the start of something special.

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