6. In Another Life - Charles Xavier

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You could say this one's based on true events 🥲 (it may be written well but it may be rushed as it's almost a huge flow of my feelings)

!Sorry but this one is a bit of a vent!

⚠️Trigger Warning - anxiety attack⚠️

Pls send requests!

I'm going to write in first person from now on as well!!

For bignachotoes  for being such a good friend to me during this! Thank you!!

"Scotland?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "You're going all the way to Scotland?!" He looked at me sadly. My suspicions raised that this wasn't just some day trip. "How long?" He sighed and tried to take my hand.


"How long are you going for, Xavier??" He gulped nervously and pulled away. Moving his hand to rub the back of his neck.

"5 years... BUT-" he quickly held his hands out in defence as he fought against my shock to make his point. "But... I'll be back during holidays..."

"But I'm used to seeing you so often..." I've never been good with change. Let alone the knowledge that I'm going to be forced to see one of my closest friends leave.

I'd known Charles for about 3 years now. I met him when I had been brought to the school for the gifted. I taught English sometimes. Sometimes it would be alongside him. That's one reason we bonded. He'd been begging me to read The Lord Of The Rings and I still never got round to it! He would tease me over my 'mainstream' music taste and pretend that he had the upper hand over me because he's older than me.

I think the saddest part was that he never realised how much he meant to me. He was one of my bestest and closest friends who helped me get away from the stresses of my life away from the school. To him I think I've always been just another one of his friends. Nothing special. I would love to hear the way he talks about me to his other friends... I wish he could hear the way I talk to mine about him.

I big him up so much to my friends. Always talking about how smart and funny he is. They all groan when I bring him up because they know what I'm going to say. They know I'm going to talk and talk and talk about him until there are no words left on the planet!

It was only recently that I realised I was in love with him.

I told my closest friend other than him first. Let's call her Liz. She told me that I shouldn't be afraid to tell him how I feel. But I always have been. Charles is older than me, there's no way he could fall for someone younger than him. Surely that would be weird right? And also, what if I did tell him and he liked me back? We would have to do long distance...

No one likes long distance...

My other two closest friends were a bit more teasing. Let's call them Honey and Lucy. They found it amusing almost that I liked someone older than me... (they also made it very known that they thought he was ugly) I told them so many times that it's not all about looks. And in my opinion... Charles is really cute... I have no idea what those two are on about.

Sometimes the teasing became too much and I had to ask them to stop. Sometimes when I had alone time with Liz, I would tell her how their teasing bothered me. I felt like they were making fun of my feelings. Feelings I couldn't control.

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