3. "All My Troubles On A Burning Pile" - Erik Lensherr

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(Inspired by "Burning Pile" by Mother Mother)

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Enjoy reading!! :3

(Set between Days Of Future Past and Apocalypse)

(In this imagine you have the power to create and manipulate fire)

⚠️Trigger Warning - Abuse⚠️

Erik Lensherr had finally started to feel content with the new life he was building as he swung his axe through the logs he had collected. He had met the woman of his dreams and they had settled down and began discussing having a child.

But despite all this happiness, there was still a burning rage inside him. It had been there his whole life. He would let this anger out through the powerful swings of his axe. Right now, he let some of his darker thoughts take over as he ferociously attacked the bark. He let out pained grunts with every hit. He soon became overwhelmed and threw the axe down next to his foot so it settled in the ground. You watched silently from behind a nearby tree.

You were a local child in the village he lived in, and was the only local who had worked out who he really was. Everyone else knew him as Henrik. An alias to protect him and his family. You had watched his speech that day in 1973 while you lived with your family in (where you live). That same day, you let your powers slip out and were shamed. You parents kept you locked away in your room. One day they went out and forgot to lock up.

Now here you were... a completely different place. When you say you were a local, you meant that you hid out in an abandoned building nearby. You stole food whenever you could in order to survive, and you were sick of this lifestyle. The only benefit of living like this, was that you had learnt to keep your powers under wraps.

You watched as Erik ran his hand through his hair and exhaled shakily. Time to put your plan into action. You slowly came out from your hiding place. You spoke German at first, as not to seem suspicious.

"Henrik, right?" He let out a light gasp and turned suddenly to face you "Pardon my intrusion, I didn't mean to startle you!" He looked at you slightly confused before answering.

"It's ok! Did you need something?"

"Not really," You began to slowly approach him. "I heard you were new to the area and just... wanted to introduce myself," you stopped walking and held your hand out. "I'm y/n l/n! Pleasure to meet you!" He let out a soft smile and shook your hand.

"L/n? I don't think I've heard that name here? Who are your parents?" He inquired politely.

"Oh..." the plan was about to slowly come together. "I don't have parents, not really," a look of concern washed over Erik's face.

"Not really?" You let out a dramatic sigh. Before changing your speech to English. Time to let Erik know the real reason you were here.

"They turned their backs on me as soon as they saw that I was like you," Erik was taken aback as you said this. He tried to fake a confused face, but the wave of anxiety was too strong. "And it was all because of your speech that day in '73... Magneto," Erik charged at you and grabbed onto your collar.

"Who are you?" He growled through gritted teeth. "What do you want?" You chuckled lightly. His tone didn't bother you. You were so numb to acts of violence that most things didn't faze you anymore.

"It's always the same questions!" You remarked cockily. "Who are you? What do you want?" You mimicked before bursting out laughing. Erik tightened his grip on you before thrusting your back against one of the trees. You let out a small grunt before laughing again. "That's child abuse, you know?" You teased with a grin.

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