4. Let Go - Logan Howlett

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(Inspired by "Two Birds" by Regina Spektor)

Pls send requests!!

(In this imagine, you are not a mutant)

(Set during the time between Logan getting his adamantium and Charles finding him when he was basically on the run)

⚠️Trigger Warning - mention of blood⚠️

"Imagine if we never found each other?" You mumbled suddenly. "What do you think would've happened?" Logan creased his eyebrows without opening his eyes or looking at you.

"Huh? Where did that come from?" You got up from your chair and slowly wandered across the room towards him.

"Oh, you know... just thinking out loud..." you threw yourself on top of Logan and he let out a pained grunt before opening his eyes and finally looking at you. "Hi,"

"Hi," he quickly pecked you on the lips. "What's all this leading up to?"


"Oh come on!" He rolled his eyes. "I know when you want something... what is it?" You slowly let yourself roll off his huge body and landed next to him.

"I think we should get out of this place," you declared, staring at the ceiling with a smile on your face. "Travel..." you sat up and leaned over Logan's sleepy face. "It's not like we're doing anything important here! We live in a goddamn shed and feed off of food that's either hunted or stolen!" Logan sat up and looked at you.

"I guess..."

"Oh come on, Logan!" You clung on to one of his muscular arms and swung him around playfully. "We can't live like this forever!"

"I know..." he looked down in thought. "I guess we could give it a shot," he said with a nervous grin. "In time though, y/n,"

"Of course!"

That was three years ago, and you still hadn't gone anywhere. Every time you brought it up, Logan would agree but then change the subject. It was always the same.

"In time,"

"Not yet,"


Yet it never happened.

"Logan?" You asked one day as he returned to your little shed after hunting for food. Any animal he brought in were clearly killed by him as they each had a set of three stab wounds, equally spaced apart.

"Yeah?" He replied as he cleaned the blood off of his knuckles. You sighed before speaking.

"Do you actually want to leave?"

"Huh?" He asked nonchalantly as he dried his now clean hands.

"Do you actually want to leave this place and go travelling? Like you said we would three years ago?" A hint of frustration in your voice at his ignorance. He noticed this as he turned to face you and he sighed.

"Of course I do! In time, my love,"

"'In time' 'not yet' 'soon'" you mimicked through gritted teeth. "It's always the same!" You spat. "When are we actually going to leave?"

"I don't know, y/n!" He threw the now damp cloth down on the countertop "I don't know what to tell you!"

"How about the truth?!" You voice almost broke but you caught yourself. "Please, Logan," you pleaded quietly. "Tell me," he let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Come on!"

"I'm tired," he responded and slowly walked towards their bed. You got up and grabbed his wrist. "Y/n, don't!" He suddenly tensed. "What if I hurt you?!"

"I'll let go if you talk to me... what would you rather?" He exhaled heavily and let out an agitated grunt.

"Fine! Just don't pull that shit again!" He shook you off aggressively and sat down by the table. You sat next to him.

"I'm sorry about that, ok? I just want you to talk to me... I thought I'd knocked down those walls, but I guess not," you gently reached for his hand but he pulled away.

"I don't wanna leave," he said bluntly. "I'm happy living here, just you and me against the world,"

"I know, but wouldn't it be so good to get out, see the world?"

"It would... but that's not for me... I don't trust anyone, except you of course," he quickly glanced at you then looked away again. "I'm not ready to be around people again, what if one of Stryker's guys found me? What if they found you? I can't lose you!" Your eyes widened in shock. "I love you," you gasped slightly and just stared at him. He grew fidgety.

"Wow..." was all you could muster for a moment.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't wanna disappoint you," he hung his head in shame and you quickly took both his hands into your own. No intent to let go.

"Why didn't you tell me, I would've understood, I love you too, Logan!" You pulled him in and kissed him. Once you released, you muttered into his ear "we're always gonna stay together, even if you don't want to let go of this place! I'll stay here with you,"

"Thank you y/n," he mumbled and held you tight. You ran your fingers through his hair and felt him calm down. You felt his shoulders relax.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't apologise, I was being a dick,"

"I mean..." you snickered. He playfully pushed you off and hit you.

"Thanks," he said sarcastically as you playfully pushed him back. You ended up play fighting for a little while and it helped to remind you of how happy you both were right where you were.

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