8. All We Got Is Each Other - Erik Lensherr

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This is set over a few years before First Class

In this Imagines, you can create force fields

⚠️Trigger Warning - death, trauma⚠️

"Mama!" My brother and I reached out for her as she was pulled away from us.

A few soldiers restrained us but we still resisted. Erik had his arm outstretched as he cried.

Then the gate began to move...

Then the metal at the ends of the soldiers shoes were pulled forwards...

I glanced between Erik and everything going on. I watched as a soldier knocked him out with a gun.

"No!" I screeched as a sudden round shape knocked everyone back. I stood in the middle, shaking.

It suddenly disappeared and I too, was knocked out.

"Genes are the key, yes?" The doctor told us from his desk. My brother and I remained silent.

He kept going on about how genetics are so important for the future and evolution. I didn't particularly understand, nor did I care.

"We want to see our Mama," Erik said irritably. He's always been the more hot headed of us two.

The doctor ignored him and kept talking about genes...

He then brought out a coin.

"A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate, now, is it?"

Erik concentrated hard and tried to move it. Proving unsuccessful, the doctor muttered something about "methods".

Our mother was suddenly was brought in and we hugged her tightly. Only for a moment as we were separated afterward.

The doctor held a gun to her head.

"I'm going to count to three, and you're going to move the coin... you don't move the coin? I pull the trigger,"

Erik began to panic as I rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You can do it, Erik," I told him, our mother too reassuring us.





Erik and I froze. He slowly turned around while I looked down. I grabbed his hand and held tightly.

The overwhelming emotions consumed us both. Sadness, anger, grief, guilt...

Erik let out a cry as all the metal in the room went crazy while I shrank back from all the sounds and soon found myself surrounded by the round shape again.

It disappeared when everything had calmed down as the doctor helped me up and left me and Erik with a pat on the shoulder.

"It's my fault..."

"No it's not!"

"How much did you get?" I asked anxiously. A few years had passed and Erik and I were now fighting to survive in an abandoned house in Poland.

We were only teens.

"I got a couple slices of bread... and I managed to snatch clean water too!" He said with a grin as he sat next to me. We ate in silence for a few moments.

"Are we wasting our lives, Erik?" He turned to me with a confused expression and cocked his head.

"Why do you say that?" I sighed and thought before speaking again.

"I know what Schmidt did to us... but should we really spend our whole lives trying to take his?" His expression turned from confused to furious.

"Of course!" He snapped. "You want him to live??"

"Well, no... but should we-?"

"Yes! I wanna kill him! I'm gonna kill him! But I'm not doing anything without you by my side! I have to look after you now!" He said wrapping an arm around me and holding me tight.

I felt a stabbing guilt at upsetting him so I sighed and reluctantly agreed.

"Alright... I'll drop it now..."

"Thank you," he muttered. "I don't mean to be annoying, you know? I just can't lose you too!" I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I know... I don't know what I'd do without you," I admitted softly.

"I got the location," Erik stated calmly as he walked out of the bank.

"Where?!" I inquired eagerly as I sped up to match his quick pace. "Where's Schmidt?"


"You seem pissed..."

"Oh quite the contrary," he said as he turned to me and grinned. "I'm ecstatic,"

I couldn't help but return his grin. I still wasn't sure about all this, but I needed to see him happy.

"And we had to murder everyone in the bar because...?!" I yelled as Erik marched out casually.

"You know why," was all I got back.

"Erik, please! Listen to me goddammit!" I grabbed his arm and he stopped in his tracks.

"You're having second thoughts again,"

"I've been having them since we were still kids!"

"We weren't kids..." he hung his head and tensed.

"I know..." he pulled his arm from my grip and kept walking.

"I'm killing him! You can't stop me!"

"Then I won't!" I called back. "I won't stop you but I don't want any part in the killing... we've seen too much death..."

He came back over to me and hugged me.

"I just want to do what's best for you... I can't lose you,"

"I know, I know," I rested into him for a little while in the open heat. I guess I just had to let him get on with it if I wanted him to be happy.

It's not like we could ever go back to playing football in the streets of Düsseldorf safely with the other kids.

We can't go back.

So I guess we have to move forwards.

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