10. Reassurance - Charles Xavier

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For El ❤️

"You seem a little down lately," I tended a little as Charles spoke. "What's up?"

"Just a little tired, is all," I shrugged and forced a light laugh.

Charles and I had been chatting for a couple months now. We met in the library over an interest in the same book. After that, we exchanged numbers and met up a few times. We had grown surprisingly close in such a short time. We had told each other secrets that our other friends didn't know. It was a special bond.

"I don't believe you..." he gazed at me from across the table. We had found ourselves in the library once again. His brilliant blue eyes staring intently at me. "You can't lie to a telepath, Y/n," he let a soft grin slip as my face remained set.

"I'm fine, Charles..." I sighed impatiently. I couldn't even concentrate on the book in front of me. Charles still looked concerned.

"Why don't we get some fresh air?" I nodded silently and he took both of our books and put them back like the gentleman he is. When he returned, he took his bag and we left.

We soon ended up in the local park. We chatted as we walked along. We talked about music and our favourite movies.

We hadn't known each other for very long, but a day was empty if I didn't get at least a text from him.

"It's such a good series, too!" I was excited to find someone who was as passionate as I in my special interests. "Got me through some tough times!" My voice faltered a little at the brief flashbacks of some troubles times from my past. I shook my head a little to get rid of the thoughts before they changed my mood.

"Y/n?" Charles stopped walking for a moment.

"Yeah?" I answered nonchalantly.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He faced me head on and took my hand as he gazed into my eyes. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" I nodded.

"Right..." he continued to watch me, expectantly. He wanted me to speak up.

"I know there was that stuff a little while ago that happened... is that bothering you?" I shook my head and tried to avoid eye contact.

"No... something else happened..." I cursed myself as soon as I said it! We were having a great time and now I had ruined it. "But don't worry about it!" I added quickly.

"Please talk to me! You seem so upset! I want to do all I can to make you happy!" There was desperation in his voice. He really did want to help.

"Fine..." we began slowly walking again and I spilled everything about what was bothering me. The constant feeling of anxiety in my stomach I had been feeling, the lack of sleep due to panic, everything.

Once I had said everything, we walked in silence for a moment. Charles broke it.

"What made you so reluctant to tell me?" He almost seemed like he felt betrayed by my secrecy. "I know we haven't known each other that long, but up until today, you've told me everything without hesitation... what changed?"

I gulped. No matter what I said next, I knew he would have a counter.

He did way too much for me and I never did anything back!

"I just feel like I'm ruining our friendship by constantly making the problems all about me..." I looked up at him for a second and he looked shocked. "I'm putting all this responsibility to look after me on you and I never do anything in return!" I hung my head in shame. "You don't have to look after me, Charles,"

"Of course I do," he took both my hands into his. "Of course I have to look after you!" I sighed deeply. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't care about your happiness?"

"I know, I know... but I know I can be a pain and-"

"You're not a pain! You never have been!" I finally looked up at him. His eyes began to fill with tears.


"You'll never be a pain to me! I will do Everything in my power to make sure you're happy!" He took a shaky breath. "Clearly I don't do enough because you're still sad..."

"No! You do plenty!" I cut in. "A lot of stuff has happened to me throughout my life, so don't eat yourself up if I'm not 100% happy,"

"But I want to help you! You're not ruining our friendship! In my eyes, you're strengthening it as you trust me with your problems!" I shook my head.

"But we don't have many normal conversations anymore because I always ruin it with my problems!"

"Stop, Y/n! Please!"

Oh god...

Was he mad at me?

Did I ruin our friendship in that one moment?

I panicked...

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll shut up! I promise!"

"No, Y/n! That's not the issue..." his tears escaped.

"No, no, no, Charles! Please! I'm sorry! Don't be upset!"


"See what?"

"Look how desperate you are to help me..." I stopped dead for a moment. He was right. "That's how I feel," I nodded rapidly.

"I understand..." but the nagging feeling wouldn't stop. "Are you sure you wanna put up with me?" I let a small laugh slip through. He reciprocated the laughter.

"Of course,"

"Alright... I'm sorry," I sighed again. "Thank you,"

"You don't need to be sorry, or thank me for that matter!" His face was still tear stained even after he cleaned it with his sleeve. "I'll always be here..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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