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Hi guys, this is the first ever book I write since I'm usually a reader 😅 I'll do my best so please be patient with me.

Also English is not my first language so the book might contain some grammatical and vocabulary mistakes, I'm sorry in advance. Please tell me if you see one so I can rectify it.

This book will be inspired by a popular book(?) I've read online.

Might contain mature language and maybe mature scenes, I don't know yet but if that's the case then I'll notify it to you.

There will be medias added throughout the story cause I suck at describing things such as clothes, houses, etc. Sorry.

Sorry if the book is not as good as you expected.

But if you like it please let me know.

I don't hate any of the idols mentioned in this story. If I painted them as vilains it was only for the sake of the story, nothing more.

That's all (I think) so let's get started with the cast shall we ? 🌚

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