Part 1

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The last few days have been tense in the lair Donnie was driving everyone crazy with his experiments and after yet another explosion that blew a hole through the wall in between Raph and Mikey's bedrooms turning their room's into one, which delighted Mikey he was excited to have a 'roomie' but Raph not so much! 

The brothers all were bickering and Master Splinter was too at his wits end with them all.

To make matters worse Mikey made a big mess in the kitchen with a 'experiment' of his own and now the whole family (minus splinter who never indulged Mikey's creations sticking to his cheese) had a bad stomachs, and more mess to clear up. Pizza smoothies were not the hit Mikey thought they would be, however Mikey insisted the belly aches totally  were not down to him. 

Leo suggested Mikey give everyone some space, after yet more grumbling from Raph, after they had to clean up yet again & with stomach aches too so Mikey headed off into the sewers hoping to hang with his buddy Leatherhead but his friend wasn't home probably on patrol with his Mighty Mutanimals buddies Mikey reasoned, so he decided to go for a little stroll around the sewers thinking it's best not to go home just yet!

Donnie was frantic that the Kraang were up to something his Orb was active but their was no chatter for him to translate and April was staying away without explanation upsetting Donnie even more. 

Meanwhile Mikey's senses were tinging there was a bad smell as well as the sound of machinery coming from a tunnel he had a bad feeling something was afoot but pressed on, he worried there were humans down here so decided to be stealthy and find out, his family lair could be discovered that would be well, bad Mikey figured, he peered round quietly but saw nothing but a underground lake, Mikey quietly creeped closer and saw several huge white glowy things submerged in the water, he didn't know if he should be scared or not but he was. 

There was another tunnel but he had to wade across the water to reach it & his instincts were he should call Leo but Leo was probably still mad even if he had been less shouty towards him than Raph and Donnie had been he knew he was in the bad books still. 

The machinery sounds were coming from the other tunnel, he made up his mind he had to find out what it was, then call Leo if he needed too, so he got into the water to swim across avoiding the glowy things by staying at the surface they were several feet deep in the water he almost made it across when a tentacle wrapped around his ankles him pulling him under the water he was trapped, he panicked and tried to kick and thrash his way free but his was pulled deeper and deeper underwater. 

He was now now face to face with the glowy things they looked like eggs with gross veins on it, and it was them the tentacles came from, gross Mikey gasped but Mikey still didn't know what they were he reached for his T-phone trying to hit the emergency button but it slipped from his grip just before he could press it as he dropped it, and it sank below and out of sight.

Crap, crap & Sewer apples! Mikey whispered to himself, he's messed up here yet again, he should of called rather than get in the water. 

The water was murky but also slimy he tried to keep his mouth shut not to swallow the gunk he managed to get his hands on his Kusarigama and retracted the blade cutting the tentacles and freeing himself he popped up to the surface coughing and spluttering and unfortunately wasn't exactly quiet about it either, sure he could breathe in water being a turtle but not with all the gunk in it, he choked on it as he broke the surface gasping for air but at least he had made to the other side lake he climbed out a peered over through the tunnel then he saw... 

The Kraang! They were back!

He saw they had a new portal, several Kraathatrogons or big worm things as Casey calls them and more glowy things in huge glass tanks. 

Beeping wailed over him and in seconds he was surrounded by Kraang, Damn, Damn this was not good. A alarm was triggered by him cutting the tentacle of the glowy things which had grabbed him in the water. 

A net was thrown over him before he could react he felt sluggish and could barely move now he was in trouble and couldn't call anyone his phone was underwater and separated from him. 

"Seize the one that is known as the turtle" Mikey heard a Kraang Droid say as he was reeled in like a fish on hook, and dragged into The Kraang's underground Lair. 

"The one known as a turtle will not destroy Kraang's plans" he again heard from a droid. 

Mikey saw his ankles were bleeding slightly he must of been wounded by the tentacle and he could now not move at all then laid him on a operating table and he was strapped down. 

He knew he was in some serious trouble.

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