Part 9

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Leo and Raph were on the Speed boat heading back to the underground Lair of the Kraang, their mission was to find out what happened to April and Casey.

Raph felt uneasy, they usually were a team of at least four and often six and they were now down to just two with Donnie working on the antidote for the venom for Mikey and April and Casey being missing. 

The further they travelled the deeper the water seemed to get and the higher the water level was. Leo pulled the boat just outside the Kraang's lair. They needed to deal with this fast before the water drowned them it surely would if it rose much higher. 

They were now where hours earlier they had to cross the water with the Sea Monster's eggs in now the water level was so high the whole place was water with no land in sight, their own Lair was protected by drains diverting the water away but this part of the sewers was flooded.

"Where's all this water coming from anyway fearless" Raph questioned, 

"Let's investigate and go back to the Kraang lab, stay out of the water we don't need anyone else being bitten by those things that stung Mikey" Leo ordered, 

The speed boat was slowed right down and they entered the lab and to their shock the portal was again in working order & was open and water was cascading though it, but they were so high up with the water level they were half way up and not able to access the power panel from their position. 

"I thought Donnie broke that thing?" Raph muttered, looking at the portal.

"He cut some wires, the Kraang we stole this boat from must of fixed it" Leo answered, regretting they hadn't done more damage when they had the chance but then their priority was Mikey. 

"So what do we do? We need Donnie for this" Raph asked feeling overwhelmed, and frustrated their was no-one to fight the place looked abandoned they had to think their way out rather than fight & that was not Raph's forte. 

"This isn't just water, it's alien water and it's probably getting into the human's water supply" Leo bemoaned, "who knows what damage it could do to people" he added, 

There was a squealing noise, and their boat was being rocked, 

"What's rocking the boat?" Raph yelped, grimacing at how lame that sounded, 

"The Sea Monsters, they're swimming under us, lets get closer to the portal we need to turn it off or bust it for good this time" Leo said but it was hard to get close due to the alien water pumping out, the current & water pressure was pushing them backwards but little by little they got closer. 

A sea monster was looking at them with interest, Raph was eyeing it wondering was it's intentions were, "What we could do with is reversing the portal like Donnie did that time and suck everything through it before shutting it down otherwise all these Sea Monster's will be stuck here" Leo mumbled, 

"Shouldn't we be looking for April and Casey? Instead of messing with Portals" Raph snapped when they suddenly came under fire with lasers being fired at them. Their boat was hit and within seconds it was sunk. Leo saw a triangle portal door in the sky above them, like they had encountered before the Kraang were watching them. Raph cursed in frustration.

Raph and Leo were forced into the water, "so much for staying out of the water" Raph whispered, the water was dark, and with awful gunk sliming them, they needed to keep their mouths shut as to not swallow it. 

The Sea Monsters were all around them but they didn't actually seem interested in attacking them, then suddenly a whole herd of them came through, when suddenly they heard a familiar voice, 

"over here dudes" Casey's voice bellowed through a megaphone it sounded like, Leo and Raph snapped their heads around and they were clinging to each other holding one side of the edge of  portal trying to stop themselves being swept away by the water but they couldn't see Casey or where his voice had come from. 

"Oh no" Leo yelled as a Sea Monster suddenly veered towards them and Raph was swallowed whole! 

And within a moment it's jaws came back for Leo and he barely had a second to defend himself before he too was inside the Sea Monster!

Meanwhile back in the Lair

Donnie had now got his mutagen into saline bags and Mikey was hooked up having the mutagen pumped into him drop by drop, Donnie wasn't sure how much to give him so he was getting it in very small doses. 

Splinter was keeping an eye on things urging Donnie to trust his instincts but remained calm. 

Mikey was already doing much better and was stabilized, his breathing regular and pulse normal and strong, the tremors were fazing out, Mikey wasn't completely better yet and not talking or opening his eyes but Donnie was sure it was only a matter of time, the treatment was working.

Back with Leo and Raph

Leo traveled through the neck of the Sea Monster that swallowed him and Raph he landed hard on a metal flooring landing on Raph who was swallowed first, they groaned as the impact as they were roughly dropped as they looked up they saw to their surprise April and Casey!

"What the heck is going on here" Raph snapped, 

"We're in Donnie's sub!" Leo realised, 

"right!" Raph said feeling foolish at all the screaming he'd done as he thrashed and fought when he was being swallowed, 

"You dork" He yelled at Casey though he was relieved to see him, who was sniggering at him in amusement, Raph knew he was not likely to hear the end of this. 

"guys we're having trouble steering this thing just the two of us wanna help out" April said, 

"Yeah sorry April" Leo said as he sat behind her with Raph taking the reigns behind Casey. 

"What are we supposed to do now?" Casey asked unsure what the plan is. 

"We need Donnie" April declared, sharing Raph's sentiments, 

"He's busy saving Mikey" Leo reminded them, 

"we'll call him and see what he could do to help us" April decided, 

"I guess calling can't hurt & we'll get an update on Mikey at the same time" Leo agreed, 

"How'd you escape the worm thing & get the sub anyway?" Raph asked Casey as Leo was calling Donnie, on the radio searching for the frequency.

"we got sucked into a pipe that was small enough for us but not the cannibal worms to follow, we were flushed out near the lair, we saw Splinter and he told us to meditate with him" Casey explained, 

"You saw Splinter, why didn't he tell us he saw you" Raph asked, 

"We meditated, or at least I did, we had a flash forward we saw ourselves in the sub & we took it as an inspiration of what we should do next" April explained, 

The sub was surrounded by Sea Monsters brushing up aside it, 

"What's with the Sea Monsters doing that" Raph said confused, 

"I think Donnie built a girl Sea Monster that's attracting the males" April sniggered as Raph was grossed out, 

"how is a hunk of metal a girl anything, oh never mind!" Raph grumbled as Leo finally got through to Donnie,

Leo explained to Donnie what was the situation with the portal, and got a update on Mikey, 

Leo came of the radio in the sub that has a intercom with the his lab, 

"Donnie want's us to swing by and pick him up" Leo explained, 

"we'll need him to help shut down this portal" Leo added, 

"He's ok to leave Mikey?" Raph questioned surprised, 

April and Casey smiled, her vision when meditating with Splinter earlier meant they knew some  of what was going to happen next!

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