Part 10

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The Sub headed towards the lair where Donnie was waiting to board it, the foursome that was Leo, Raph and Casey & April needed his scientific knowhow to shut the portal off & deal with the alien water. 

Donnie was picked up without incident and the sea monster looking sub slowly moved back to the underground caves the Kraang had turned into their lair and lab. 

The closer they got the deeper and murkier the water got and the sea monsters were again flanking the sub making the journey slower & troublesome. 

"How's Mikey doing Donnie?" Leo asked, 

"Good, really well, he was awake and talking to me as I left the lair, he's still got to regain his strength fully but he's doing great." Donnie told them all, 

"That's amazing news Donnie" April said, 

"He's finally awake?" Leo beamed in delight, 

"sure is, Sensei will keep an eye on him until we get back now, what's your plan Leo?" Donnie asked getting straight to business. 

"As I said, we need you to get all these beasts through the portal and destroy it in the process" Leo explained, 

"right, yeah lets get there without delay then" Donnie mumbled, he'd rather still be monitoring Mikey truth be told. 

"Lets just get on with it" Raph said, he just wanted to get this done so he could get home & see Mikey especially now they knew he was awake. Hoping this nightmare and yoyo-ing back and forth was close to being over.

They were now back in the Kraang lair by the portal, the whole thing was under water as they viewed it from inside the sub, flanked by several sea Monsters they looked up and saw a triangle portable portal open high up ceiling level like they've encountered before pumping out the alien water continuously. 

"Okay what we need to do is open the ground portal get it working again then put it reverse and suck all the water and these sea Monsters out through it, somehow we need to shut off the portable portal up above us, that is more problematic, I don't see how to do that without going through it, but one thing at a time I guess." Donnie uttered thinking aloud. 

"I'll have to go out into the water to access the panel on the portal" Donnie added, 

"Is that safe, I mean these sea Monster's are surrounding us, not to mention the alien water that might have mutagen in it?" April spoke out voicing her concerns, 

"I think the alien water is not an issue we've all been in it already without any effects, The Sea Monsters are drawn to my sub, so if the rest of you move the sub away from here, they should follow and I should be able do what I need, stay near we may need picking up" Donnie declared, 

"I'm going with you" Leo insisted, 

"I'm not sure we can move the sub with just three of us" Casey warned, 

"You can hit the motor and accelerate" Donnie said pointing to a switch, 

Casey groaned, "wish we knew that earlier" he ranted quietly as he and April struggled to pilot it just the two of them until Raph & Leo came on board. 

"shut up Jones" Raph grumbled, now wasn't the time!

"you don't need to go far, it'll be enough, just get these creatures away from where we are" Leo agreed, he wasn't letting Donnie go out there alone, Mikey being here alone is what started this mess in the first place. 

Donnie and Leo, left the sub and as soon as they did April flicked the switch that Donnie showed them and the sub swam away in the opposite direction, but stayed within sight

"These Sea Monsters aren't very Monster-like, they aren't scary at all" Casey mumbled, 

"Probably why they were trying to jazz them up with Mutagen to increase their aggression." April reasoned, 

"Makes sense Red" Casey agreed as Raph was trying to use the periscope to monitor his brothers from afar, not interested in their chatter he hated not being out there with his brothers yet again. 

Donnie had the large panel open on the portal and despite being underwater was rewiring to reverse the flow of the portal, after struggling, it was hard to see what he was doing in the murky water, the portal activated and opened but as it did, laser shots came through the other portal and Donnie was hit in the arm, The Kraang were still watching it seems.

"Aargh" he cried out, he struggled to swim now & hold his position injured arm and all but Leo grabbed him to hold him in place while he continued with his other arm screwdriver in hand as the laser shots rained down on them but the rest missed them at least.

"Pull the lever" Donnie gasped, he couldn't do it with his hurt arm & hold onto Leo at the same time, he'd made the alterations he needed. 

Leo did as instructed, holding Donnie with his other arm, putting the whole portal in reverse and as he did the massive suction in the portal began sucking in water by the gallon, and some of the Sea Monsters and even the drowned Kraathatrogons from the other room came through and were being sucked back through as well as lots of debris, lab tables & equipment etc. 

Leo was holding on with one arm to the side of the portal. Leo was trying hard to stop both Donnie and himself from being sucked through into Dimension X there was barely anything sturdy to hold onto. 

The Alien water was still pouring through, the other portal it was creating a swirling whirlpool effect and though the water level receded it was like being caught in a hurricane, Leo was clinging onto Donnie for dear life but both were becoming exhausted, when suddenly the others, were bring sucked through towards them, still inside the sub, heading for the portal themselves. 

"Shut the lever off" Donnie yelled, spotting his sub containing Raph, April & Casey heading for the portal, 

"I can't without letting go & we'll go through the portal ourselves." Leo cried, 

"It's us or them Leo take your pick" Donnie cried, 

"right, Donnie hold onto to me don't let go, no matter what" Leo cried, 

"Do it now here they come" Donnie screamed in anguish, 

Leo let go of the side of the portal, Donnie adjusted himself clung to Leo's side freeing Leo's arms so he could do what he needed to, Leo's whole body weight, pulled onto the lever, they weren't under the water anymore but the suction pulled them into the portal as it finally closed. 

"noooo!" Raph screamed in horror as he saw his two brothers disappear through the portal. April and Casey looked at each other they knew a little something from Splinter's vision what was about to occur so weren't a distraught as Raph. 

As they, still in the Sub tore through the air and smashed the portal into pieces destroying it in one move, more alien water rained out through the other portal but it was down to a trickle now but the Sea Monsters at least were gone sparing the humans from dealing with them.

 But so were Leo and Donnie! 

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