Part 4

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"So how are we getting across with those things in the water?" Casey asked Leo, pointing at the white glowly things that seemed to be causing so much trouble. 

"Let's look in their lab for something that we can use as a bridge or to float across on like another raft, April can use her powers to help us move it" Leo said, 

"Raph, Casey stay put with Mikey, while the rest of us go searching for something we can use" Leo added, 

Raph lowered himself into a sitting position cradling Mikey, "hang on little brother" Raph whispered, ruefully, he hated the delay. 

"I don't see why I had to stay out here" Casey huffed, 

"so you don't mess anything else up" Raph snapped, 

"if you didn't bust the raft we'd be half way home by now" Raph groaned, 

"It was the glow worm thing & you guys summoned me here don't forget, we thought you were in trouble & you were" Casey defended, Raph noticed Casey was slurring his words a little so stopped arguing. 

They could hear the sound of machinery grinding, soon a levitating metal door, Donnie had wielded loose as April used her powers to shunt it through the air Donnie pulled it onto the water they were going to use it as a raft, they went on it two at a time as it couldn't take more weight than that and stay afloat, April used her powers to push it across so they didn't have to row, April wasn't sure about pulling through the air with everyone on it in case the weight of them all tipped them off. 

First Raph and Mikey got on and quickly zipped over, they got off and Raph took Mikey straight to their van, April said she needed to go last, so Donnie and Casey went next and crossed without incident and by the time Leo and April scooted across the tentacles were reaching toward them but they avoided them successfully, they were safe from them as long as they stayed out of the water it seemed. 

"What are those things Donnie" Leo asked as they climbed into the van, wanting to know what the glowly things were.

"I think they could be Kraathatrogon eggs or some other creature they plan on using against us whatever they are they have a effective security device" Donnie replied, 

"They sure do, ugly things" April sneered, 

"Someone will have to drive the motorbike Casey and April used to get here, but not Casey after being electrocuted" Leo added, 

"I'm fine" Casey groaned, but he was looking like he needed a long lie down.

"Just do as you're damn told for once Jones" Raph snapped he wanted to get going, Mikey needed to get back home fast, they didn't have time for stupid squabbles. 

"Casey just get in the van, I'll take it" April said, and Casey finally reading the room & picking up on the seriousness he quietly obeyed just this once!

Within 10 minutes driving back at high speed they were back at their lair and met Splinter as they entered, they all headed straight for Donnie's lab, as they told their Sensei what had happened, though April did most of the talking, the turtles were rushing in the lab getting straight down to business. 

Donnie had Mikey laid on a table top and was getting what he needed for the blood transfusion, 

"How much blood can you take Donnie, will it be enough?" Leo asked, 

"I can take a pint and a half maximum from each of us though I'll need to give us fluids, to top us up after, Mikey will also need extra fluids once he's got the blood and his body should be able to regenerate the rest afterwards" Donnie explained, "I can give him a little mutagen if necessary to boost him."

Finally, Donnie was ready and Raph insisted he be first, as Donnie attached the tube to Raph's arm and began taking the blood from him,  it went smoothly, and soon it was his and Leo's turn and April assisted when it was Donnie's turn, they all had their blood replaced by fluids Donnie had plenty in stock fortunately enough. 

Despite this they did feel a bit worse for wear and wobbly, Donnie had taken a little more blood than the knew he should, half a pint more to be precise but there was no choice, they had no other supply for Mikey. 

And now the blood was going into Mikey, Raph was glued to Mikey's side, and Leo could see the colour returning to Mikey's skin, he was less grey and more green again. But he remained asleep and unconscious. 

Donnie was now tending to the wounds on Mikey's ankles, the wounds were fortunately not bleeding anymore but he cleansed the wounds with antiseptic and wrapped them in proper bandages. 

Splinter got fresh masks on Donnie and Mikey and placed them on them both, they were all starting to look like themselves again. But they'd all feel better once Mikey woke up but still that wasn't happening. 

Splinter now was tending to Casey at Donnie's request in the living room so he could focus on Mikey. Casey was worse for wear and slumped over the chair feeling groggy after his own ordeal but he just needed rest. April was zipping between him and the turtles fetching them drinks and snacks to help their recoveries. 

Donnie was now running tests on his computer, while Leo and Raph remained by Mikey's side, 

April gave Donnie some juice, and they spoke together out of earshot of the others, 

"What are you testing?" April asked, 

"I took a sample of the water with those egg things, earlier I'm looking into a theory" Donnie explained, 

"care to share, maybe I can help" April offered, 

"Mikey should be awake by now" Donnie whispered, trying to hide from his brothers how worried he was.

"I think those tentacles that I think wounded him have venom & they've paralyzed him and that's why he's not waking up" Donnie whispered, 

"I think I need to get or create some anti-venom" Donnie explained, 

"Can you do it?" April asked, 

"I don't know" Donnie sobbed, 

"What If I can't and he..." Donnie fretted cutting himself off. 

"You always find a solution, you made that retro mutagen for my dad didn't you" April encouraged, 

"And look how long that took and in the end it was a sheer fluke, Mikey actually made the formula messing around" Donnie admitted, 

"Yeah like he did when the creep made you dumb that time" April remembered, 

"He caused the chaos and fixed it in his own way" Donnie added, Mikey had his moments that's for sure. He missed the chaos & the noise his only little brother created. 

"Donnie look at me, Relax, Think rationally, what do you need." April said,  trying to snap Donnie out of his funk. 

After thinking for a moment using Splinter's breathing technique he eventually said, "A proper sample, I need to get one of those egg things, tentacles and all, to know what I'm dealing with" Donnie said, 

"Then that's what we are going to do" April declared. 

"Lets tell the others" Donnie said and getting up finding a second wind & motivated. 

"Thanks April" Donnie said as they shared a brief hug after which Donnie called a family meeting. 

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