Part 6

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The three turtles and two friends had got back into the van with Donnie's tank and in no time at all they were suddenly back at the scene where the glowy things were in the water beneath them. 

"Hey I wonder what became of the Kraangs after we killed their Droid bodies earlier?" Casey questioned, 

"Death most likely" April suggested, "They can't breathe our air remember, especially withour their droids and any breathing equipment" she added, 

"Stop chattering, you're worse than Mikey" Raph snapped, at both Casey and April before instantly regretting the dig at his brother that tumbled from his mouth that was instinctive. 

"I'd feel better if we knew what these egg things were" Leo mumbled are we sure bringing them to the lair is a safe thing to do, who knows what they are going to turn into" he added, 

"Do you want to help Mikey or not?" Donnie snapped, 

"I was just thinking we could use their lab instead of taking something unknown home, that's all, they could send off signals for all we know." Leo suggested, 

Donnie grumbled, learning his lesson from being so dismissive to other peoples ideas gave the idea some thought. 

"well actually that does give me an idea" Donnie said as a thought occurred to him, 

"which is?" Raph added, 

"before we fish those things out, I can use the Kraang's computers, they might have information on what those things are & even if there is an antidote known, thanks Leo good thinking" Donnie said determined as he marched over to retrieve the doors they used to cross over the water earlier. 

"April you wanna come with me?" Donnie asked, 

"How about we all go" Leo interjected, 

Donnie nodded, and April helped them shift across the water quickly, as she had earlier in the reverse direction. 

"Looks like there has been no further activity since we left" Leo added, 

Donnie got onto the computer, typing frantically using the translation feature, 

"huh, oh, ok was not expecting that" Donnie said, 

"So what are they Donnie" Raph asked, not liking being kept in the dark even for a moment, 

"the eggs are those Sea monsters" Donnie said, 

"What Sea monsters?" Raph asked, 

"You remember those Dragon or Dinosaur like, under water creatures, remember like the one that fell in love with my sub that time" Donnie explained, 

"Yeah, I remember them, we've encountered them a few times" Leo replied and Raph nodded, understanding now what they were talking about. 

"It looks like The Kraang were planning on mutating them into something more furocious to use against us and the humans" Donnie said reading the Kraang's research from the computer, 

"hence why they have a mutagen farm with the Kraathatrogon's though the tunnel over there" Donnie explained, 

Casey shuddered, at the mention of those things, 

"And wanted Mikey's mutagen blood?" Leo queried, 

"they probably just took the chance when the opportunity presented itself when he was captured" Donnie reasoned,

"I didn't know they were venomous" April questioned also reading from the screen in front of them, 

"Yeah they have a venomous bite it seems & protective tentacles around their developing eggs" Donnie said, 

"So is there a cure for Mikey on there?" Raph said that's all he wanted to know, 

Donnie replied "Yes, it says it right there, mutagen, in it's purest form", 

"What does purest form even mean?" Casey asked, 

"we need to milk a Kraathatrogon and put some into Mikey with a drip not diluting it with anything" Donnie replied, 

Casey screwed up his face, "eww gross dudes" he whined, 

"Won't that make Mikey mutate?" Leo asked, 

"I can't be 100% sure Leo, but if it's just the tiniest amount it could be ok" Donnie said hoping he was right about that. 

"So we don't need to take a sea monster egg back to the lair with us" April asked, 

"no, but lets use the tank to carry the mutagen once we extract it" Donnie said, 

"And how do we do that exactly?" Raph said, 

"Yeah those things try and eat us as soon as they see us, how do we milk em" Casey grumbled, 

"Same principle as you would a cow, in theory" April told him, 

"they try and eat humans not so much us turtles, they chase us when commanded but there is no Kraang here to do that" Donnie recalled, 

"So you'll have to do it" April said, meaning the milking,

"Yeah looks like it" Donnie conceded, 

"But you two can help but getting us the tank across the water" Leo ordered, 

"That we can do, right red?" Casey said feeling relief. 

"No problem, come on Casey" April said as the two left, to carry out the task,

Leo, Donnie and Raph peered round the tunnel and the Kraathatrogon's, trying to figure out how they were going to go about this.

"Well at least these ones are medium sized not like the huge one that swallowed Casey" Donnie muttered, finding the smallest of plus points to the situation.

"Be careful not to get the mutagen on your hands, who knows what it could do to us" Leo warned, as they waited for their friends to return with the tank, 

"and we're planning on putting it into Mikey?" Raph said unsure about doing that, 

"the Kraang's research seems to suggest it's a safe thing to do, besides going into the blood stream in a controlled manner is different from dousing a living thing human or animal in mutagen" Donnie explained, 

"I hope your right about this Donnie?" Raph warned, 

"the alternative is to watch Mikey deteriorate and die, his organs will shut down, and the mini seizures he's having will get worse and bigger until...., we have to try something" Donnie said, 

"He's right, the healing hands has only brought us time" Leo stated, Raph nodded in understanding as Casey wheeled the tank towards them ready for the milking. 

"Here goes nothing" Leo said as the turtles heading over to the Kraathatrogon's with their tank. 

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