Part 5

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"Guy's" April said calling everyone's attention, 

"We need to have a meeting" she added, 

Master Splinter and Casey joined them in the lab as they stood around Mikey who was looking better but still unresponsive. 

"Yeah, um, I've got something to tell you & I'm going to need your help" Donnie began, 

"Casey Jones is at your service!" Casey interrupted, grinning broadly, pointing to himself having recovered well after a long nap. 

"Go on" Leo said encouraging Donnie to continue, with what he was saying, 

"I think the reason Mikey's not waking up, is because of the venom I'm sure he got when that tentacle stung him, it's paralyzed him and I was hoping the effects would wear off & it doesn't seem to be happening" Donnie explained, 

"I'm worried he may deteriorate and I think it's already starting" Donnie added, 

"What do you mean, he looks better" Raph said, Mikey's colour was normal he simply looked asleep.

"His breathing is getting shallower, and his pulse dropping, so far just very slightly, but it's a worry. And it's only going to get worse. I'm going to have to put him on oxygen to stabilize him if his vitals drop much more" Donnie explained wheeling a gas canaster and preparing a oxygen mask ready to use on Mikey when the need arose. 

"Would my healing hands help?" Splinter asked, 

Donnie wasn't sure, 

"It wouldn't hurt to try I mean it cured you all when Karai's venom had a similar effect" Leo argued, 

"It might at least slow down the effects, while you pursue your venom experiment" Splinter said, hoping to convince the skeptical purple banded turtle.

"It can't hurt to try, right" Raph said, dejected, he thought the worst was over. 

Donnie remained unconvinced, he always had greater trust in science than healing mantras he didn't fully understand. 

"Give it your best shot" Donnie conceded waving his hands in defeat "but if it doesn't work I'm going to have to create a anti venom but it's going to be tough." he added, 

"You said you're going to need our help. So how do we help with this?" Leo asked, 

Donnie took a long breath and April encouraged him to tell them.

"In order to make a anti venom I need a sample of the venom's source, I need to get one of those egg things & it's tentacles back here run some tests & determine what it is just as a start" Donnie explained, 

"So we gotta go back and tangle with those things that tried to kill me" Casey squealed, 

"What of it Jones" Raph snapped, 

"nothing!" Casey replied crossing his arms in irritation. 

"Donnie those things are huge, so do we kill one or do you need it alive?" Leo asked, 

"Alive, I need to build a holding tank first, then make it mobile so I'll get on it right now, Sensei while I do that if you and Leo want to try the healing hands give it your best shot" Donnie said as he headed toward the garage to make himself a workshop area, 

"Monitor him April, remember to use the oxygen on him in case of need, call me if there's a problem" Donnie said as he left. 

"That was weird, him rushing out like that!" Casey questioned, 

"Not really once he gets an idea in his head he's like buzzing insect flying everywhere at speed until he gets it done" Leo replied, 

"So, How are we gonna get that egg tentacle thing?" Raph snapped the mention of insects even as a euphemism rattled him, as if he wasn't stressed enough.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, now Raph help me lift Mikey to the floor on Sensei's yoga mat in the Dojo we can't do the healing hands with him on the table" Leo ordered. 

:::::Three Hours Later::::

Donnie wheeled a large plastic tank similar to what he used to keep Timothy alive & in one piece into the lab it had wheels and a heated base but was a rectangle shape, like a fish tank. 

He was surprised Mikey wasn't there in the lab, then he remembered they were going to try the healing hands mantra and headed into the Dojo and was met by Splinter talking in gentle tones petting Mikey's head gently in a comforting gesture. 

"do not fret my son, just relax and understand you are safe in your home & we will find a way to bring your movement back..." Splinter was saying to Mikey. 

"What's going on here?" Donnie wanted to know, 

"Mikey has been flinching and he appears to be able to hear us" April explained

"Yeah and he's shaking a bit" Raph added, 

"Let me see" Donnie said as he kneeled next to Mikey, 

"see there" Leo said, as Mikey's arms began to quiver ever so slightly, 

"he's having tremors or mini seizures" Donnie added, 

Putting a stethoscope on Mikey's plastron, Donnie screwed up his face in confusion, 

"Huh, his breathing is better and pulse stronger" Donnie muttered, 

The healing hands has had a good effect my son" Splinter informed Donnie, 

"Yes it stabilized him & improved his breathing & lung function" Leo said proudly, 

"What convinces you he can hear us?" Donnie questioned, 

"we got him to move his eyes one side to the other, left for 'no' right for 'yes'" Raph added, 

Donnie was surprised, 

"Mikey, it's ok we've got a plan to help you" Leo said, 

Donnie watched as Mikey shifted his eyes to look at Leo, 

"We've got to leave you a while but Sensei will stay with you is that ok?" Leo added

Mikey flipped his eyes across and back to Leo to indicate 'yes'

"astonishing" Donnie murmured, in away he was frustrated, his family had been more observant than he had been, he trusted in science more than intuition & he felt bad for being so dismissive of the healing hands that clearly did have a role to play in helping Mikey recover. He knew he should of known better given they had saved his own life once upon a time, he vowed to be open more minded in the future. 

He spoke to Mikey " Listen Mikey, we are going out to get the cure for you, we will be back soon & I promise you're going to be back to yourself very soon" he said, Mikey was looking at him intently Donnie noticed Mikey's eyes watering. 

"Hey it's ok, it's ok to be scared, you trust me right" Donnie said, 

Mikey again moved his eyes to indicate 'yes' 

"I won't let you down, I promise" Donnie said as he got up and left giving Splinter a bow on the way out, it's not something he usually did outside of training but was expressing respect for his Sensei & his superior wisdom to his own. 

"I hope I can do this" Donnie whispered to himself as he followed his two brothers and two friends out of the lair, Raph and Casey pushing Donnie's tank ahead of him. 

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