setting thing.

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(yes the name on the title is actually what the assignment was named.)

    The barren road clouds the long abandoned observatory in dust as a single car passed by. Some of the dust particles seeped its way into the cracks of the door, settling at the bottom with the rest of its kind. The observatory lit up with the heat of the summer sun through the windows, overgrown vines casting shadows on the previously bustling tourist attraction. Footprints are imprinted on the floor from the thousands of shoes previously there; you can still smell the leather of the soles if you focus hard enough. The stone stairs led up to where the most determined of astronomers lingered around to talk about their findings. The telescope remained untouched with a thick inch of rust built up over the years. In a place where clutter was all it used to be known for, silence had filled the observatory in uncomfortably fast speeds. Just outside the building, the sign read "Welcome to the Mongoli Observatory"


    The rusted walls, unlike the other rooms, were empty. There weren't a string of numbers made of unknown origins. There weren't a set of studio lights that could blind in an instant. There weren't anything that could be labeled suspicious. But the fact that there were blank walls made the room even more unsettling. It wasn't just the walls, there was little to nothing in the room in general. The only thing that stood in the room was a small table, a pen, and a piece of paper. The paper had a paragraph written on it that the group was confident of what it meant. It was another riddle, which meant another member of their group was going to pass tonight.


    The two of them were taken to the deep bottoms of the school. There, in the middle of the damp and dusty crypt, stood two chairs. Both had ropes attached to the bottom of them, and the two victims were not looking forward to what they were gonna be used for. They were both placed on the chairs and Mallory wrapped the ropes around their bodies. The rope's hairs stuck out after lots of uses, resulting in the two ladies getting a nasty burn on their arms. With both being confined to their seats, Mallory walked away as she listened to the protests and screams of the people she was about to kill.

my adventures of creative writing.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin