The Bells Chimed

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The bells chimed around 7 P.M.
I never really notice how much they can ring on certain days until they play once again throughout my ears.
They always start quiet, like a train, parking into its station after a long ride.
But the echoing rings always crescendo.
Not enough to push my hearing past it's limit, although it's enough to be noticeable.
They occur a lot, but I could usually tune them out.

This time was different.

The bells chimed when I was watching TV.
I tried turning up the volume on the set, but the rings blended in.
They were piercing through, more than they do at least.
My house shook every time the clapper hit the sides.
They rung the most they've ever rung before.
I was afraid that if the bells were to compete with themselves anymore, one was sure to drop off and crack.

The bells stopped.

They stopped their routine chime so abruptly.
They stopped their routine so quickly that I was convinced they were going to be long gone before dawn rose up again.
Clockwork did its job and brought the sun up again.
I looked out the window to witness the metallic mess on the base of the tower.
However, they stood tall, waiting for the time in which they rang again.
A couple days later, the bells chimed again.

(oh, we just got dark lol.)

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