Nedual The Theif

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"Come back here! Thief!!! Call the guard!!!" The annoying shrieks of an old drow, well past his usefulness, echoed off the damp, slime covered cavern walls of the tunnel Nedual was currently using as her escape route. Her heavy booted feet pounded hard against the rocky path before her as she struggled to cram a healthy amount of stolen moss into her leather bag. With a quick glance over her shoulder to judge the distance between her and her pursuer, Nedual could not quell the smirk that lifted one corner of her lips. She did it...She had stolen enough of the high quality moss over the past few days to sell for a tidy profit, one she could survive off of for at least a year if she spent it wisely. And that was exactly what Nedual planned on doing.

Nedual continued to run through the tunnels of the Upperdark for another hour, not stopping nor slowing her pace until she was absolutely sure she was no longer being chased. Taking a deep breath, she pressed her back to the cool stone wall of the tunnel. It felt divine against her heated and sweaty skin. "...The first thing I am doing after I find rooms in taking a long, soapy bath in the hot springs..." And with that on her mind as well the promise of a full belly of actual food, Nedual pushed herself off the wall to continue towards the tunnel opening that lead her to her destination. Menzoberranzan...The very heart of the Underdark...A bustling, dark, dank expansive chunk of land that stretched as far as the eye could see, where drow lived, grew, sold wares and crops, stole, murdered, prayed, built and destroyed...depending on their particular ambition for that time. A city that housed as many nobles as it did many priestesses as it did the damned...

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