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Nedual sank down deep into the water of the hot spring and let out a content sigh. There was no greater feeling than this...especially after a few weeks without the luxury of using the only water in your possession to clean the sweat from your body...Making a face at her turn of thought, Nedual snatched a bar of half used herbal soap from the small rock ledge beside her and went about scrubbing herself vigorously until her skin was raw and there was only a sliver of soap left. Using what was left, she made a lather between her palms and used it to wash the grime from her short white hair, scrubbing until her scalp hurt. She knew she would never feel clean otherwise. Satisfied that her body was now clean, Nedual plunged down into the water to rinse. She lay there, underwater, taking pleasure in the silence and warmth the spring provided. She felt so at ease...a nice change compared to the life she usually led, always looking over her shoulder and on the run. Being still, clean, warm and with a full belly was just pure bliss.

Smiling to herself, Nedual gently broke the waters surface and began to stand...but stilled in her tracks. She was not alone...The hairs stood up on the back of her neck as she took in the scenery around her, seeing no one out in the open. This made her even more nervous. Whoever was here...didnt want to be seen. Ever so slowly, Nedual grabbed the cloth off the ledge where the soap had been and wrapped it around her, backing out of the water without disturbing it with ripples. Her gaze remained alert and wide as she gathered what little belongings she had and prepared to make a run for it. Nedual turned to sprint out of the bathing area but only made it two steps before she was stopped by a very large, broad chest of a male. The stranger grabbed her by the shoulders firmly with his huge hands just as Nedual parted her lips to scream...

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