The Wealthy Merchant

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Derva stared at the crimson beauty before him in curiosity and awe. He knew the moment she had come out of the shadows and snuck onto his cart. He did not, however, know he carried such precious cargo. The merchant in him ran deep and he could do little else but marvel at his good fortune. A prize unlike any other has been laid right before him and he planned on cashing in said prize as soon as he heads back to Menzoberranzan in four days time to settle with the apothecary. The Ilharess Ilhar will pay a hefty price for her only beloved daughter, intact and unharmed. He just had to make sure she trusted him first so she did not try and escape. Moving before her, Derva reached out and gently pressed two fingers under Vierva'ras chin, slowly lifting her gaze to his. Her dark pink eyes were wide with fright that had consumed her so much, that she had not even glanced at the world around her since she opened her eyes moments ago. That made Derva grin. It was an opportunity to gain a little trust. Smiling down at her kindly, he took her small hands in his and pulled her ever so slightly forward until her feet touched the soft ground. Instantly, he could tell that it had finally registered in her mind that she was no longer standing on the hard, rough rock floor of the Underdark. Vierva'ras gaze pulled from Derva's face to take in the foreign scenery around her. Raw fascination replaced the frightened expression upon the lovely features of her face. But what deepened the satisfied smile upon Dervas face was not her expression...but the fact that she had not taken her hands from his. He had her hook, line and sinker...

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