Feelings Among The Shadows

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He had no idea what it was that drew him to this stranger or what he was thinking, but Rhy was determined to go through with the plan that was still forming in his mind, a plan that would ultimately lead to complete dishonor of both himself and his family. Before today, he would have never even considered such a move...Would have never shirked his responsibilities and duty to his family. Since he could barely walk, he had been taught what was expected of him, what laid ahead of him, his future carefully and precisely arranged for him. And he had accepted that without question. But now...now that the time to step up to actually act on his arranged future...to marry the drowess that had been chosen for him at birth, who did not want him anymore than he wanted her...it all loomed over his head like a dark cloud of misery that would stay with him till the end of his days. And for the first time in his life, honor and duty did not feel as important as it always had. He would not marry the princess. And the little thief before him was his perfect escape.

Rhy stared down at her and could not help but smirk. It was obvious she has been fighting a long battle to survive on her own in the Underdark, a place that was not very forgiving to say the least, full of characters far worse than thieves. But here she stood, staring up at him with a raised eyebrow as if he had all the audacity in the world to order her the way he just had. His rank and station meant very little to this drowess and as unaccustomed to that as he was, it still did not fail to amuse him greatly. This slight of a female was going to be a handful and a delightful traveling companion.

"And what if I have no desire to go anywhere with you? I have plans of my own! I do not have time to be your babysitter or bodyguard.", Nedual said with a scowl, turning on her heel to gather her clothing. Crossing his arms over his chest, Rhy leaned casually against the wall and watched openly as she dropped her drying cloth and began getting dressed before him as if he was not even present. Not one to allow an opportunity to go to waste, Rhy moved his gaze down her body, taking in the very site of this enticing creature. Nedual was very thin...malnutrition and dehydration having taken its toll on her already small frame. Her long legs were more muscular than the rest of her, probably due to the amount of running she must have to do given her profession...Her waist was small...So small that Rhy assumed he could cover it completely with his two large hands if he grabbed her. All her bones were clear to see, making her form sharp and angular instead of giving her the soft curves most women of his acquaintance had. Her breasts were small, almost non existent...yet another side effect of a starved body. Moving his gaze to her face, Rhy studied her features, from her full lips that were slightly chapped, to her high cheekbones that were more pronounced due to her being underweight, to her short, strait white hair that framed her oval face. This woman has had a hard life...and here he was feeling sorry for himself for being forced to marry a rich, titled drowess...He has never known starvation...what it was like to be thirsty or to sleep without the comforts of a large, soft bed...He did not even know what it was like to cook for himself or worry over how such food would be bought.

And then it hit him...Rhy had two choices. He could either openly oppose his arranged marriage while staying here and take his life back into his own hands...or he could run, start a new life somewhere far away in a place where his name held no weight...The one thing he was sure on was this...He wanted Nedual with him either way.

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