Ilharess' Dalharil (Matron's Daughter)

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"Nau!! Usstan orn naut vellupa ukta! Usstan orn naut tlu yathrin!! Usstan xun naut ssinssrin nindol dro!!!"
(( If you want to translate any drow I put in my stories))

A vase crashed against the large gold doors, making the Matron Mother press her lips together in a fine line of disapproval, staring at her daughter will no other expression upon her face. That always angered Vierva'ra ten fold...Her mother was forever the paramount of calm, cool royal reserve. If she would just show SOME emotion...Any emotion. But as always, her mother stared at her in silence until her fit was over and Vierva'ra plopped down onto her bed in defeat. Then, and only then, would her dearest mother lay down the law and remind her that rebellion would get her nowhere...

"My dearest dalharil, Rhylaston is wealthy, comes from a very old and prestigious family who has served the realm and many of the Ilharess Ilhar, before and including myself. It is only fitting to join our Houses and rightfully reward the Noquval family for their many years of loyal service." Vierva'ra snorted in a very unladylike manner and crossed her arms like a child would. The Ilharess Ilhar lifted one perfectly arched brow at her daughter. Vierva'ra scowled, lowering her gaze to the floor and whispered. "...I will not do it..." The Matron Mother brushed past her and headed for the door. "Yes, you will. You will stop acting like a child and do your duty. Your duty to me and to this family. We will not be having this discussion again Vierva'ra." And with that, she left the room, leaving behind only the sound of doors shutting to finalize her command. Vierva'ra scowled deeper and got to her feet, her eyes burning with rage. "...No Mother...We certainly will not be..."

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